Chapter 8

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Maria traversed the Bayou with caution, relying on the Strix's assistance to mask her vampire scent. Venturing into such perilous territory demanded vigilance, and she steeled herself for the encounter ahead. As she made her way through the dense foliage, a sense of control settled over her, a welcome respite from the tumult of emotions that had consumed her earlier. Lucien's discretion brought her a measure of relief; she trusted him implicitly to keep their shared secret.

Spotting a small cabin nestled amidst the shadows, Maria's gaze narrowed. The pack was gathered there, a formidable force of twelve wolves. It was a precarious situation, and Jackson remained elusive. Taking refuge atop a nearby tree, Maria surveyed the scene below, her senses attuned to the slightest movement. She knew time was of the essence; the longer she waited, the greater the risk of confronting the wolves in their primal, wolf form.

Ensuring the vial of medicine was securely tucked away in her pocket, Maria braced herself for the inevitable showdown. It was a calculated gamble, one she couldn't afford to lose. With determination coursing through her veins, she prepared to strike, resolved to seize the opportunity before it slipped through her grasp.

With lightning speed, Maria descended upon the wolves, plunging into the heart of their territory with audacious resolve. In a swift and calculated motion, she seized one of them by the chest, wrenching their beating heart from their chest cavity with unyielding determination. The act sent shockwaves through the pack, stirring them into a frenzy of primal aggression.

Before they could fully comprehend the threat in their midst, Maria was already engaged in a deadly dance, her movements a blur of lethal precision. As the wolves lunged towards her with ferocious intent, she deftly evaded their advances, her instincts honed by years of combat experience. With each calculated strike, she dispatched her adversaries with ruthless efficiency.

The air crackled with tension as the pack closed in, brandishing makeshift stakes with lethal intent. But Maria remained undaunted, her steely resolve unshaken by the looming threat. With a taunting smirk, she goaded them onward, inviting their onslaught with fearless bravado.

"C'mon," she jeered, her voice dripping with defiance. "Show me what you've got!" Unfazed by the threat of death looming over her, Maria embraced the recklessness of her actions, a stark departure from her usual calculated demeanor. In that moment of chaos, she found a perverse solace in the prospect of her own demise, a realization that filled her with self-loathing.

"You will pay for this!" a wolf bellowed, charging towards her with a stake aimed at her heart. Maria seized the weapon with ease, deflecting the attack and turning the wolf's own momentum against them. With a swift and decisive motion, she drove the stake into the wolf's chest, their lifeless form collapsing to the ground.

"Pathetic," Maria scoffed, disdain lacing her words as she surveyed the fallen adversary at her feet. "Anyone else?" she taunted, her voice carrying a challenge that echoed through the air, daring any remaining foes to test their mettle against her.

As three more wolves surged towards her, Maria remained composed, her instincts sharpened by the imminent threat. With a low chuckle, she darted towards one of the wolves, using him as a human shield against the others. In a desperate attempt to strike her down, the remaining wolves thrust their stakes forward, only to impale their unwitting comrade instead of their intended target. Seizing the opportunity, Maria shoved the lifeless body towards them, disrupting their balance and creating an opening.

With ruthless efficiency, Maria seized the moment, her hand plunging into the chest of the fallen wolf, ripping out its heart with a savage twist. Before the other two wolves could react, Maria pivoted, her senses keenly attuned to the approaching danger. As one lunged from the shadows of a nearby tree, Maria countered with a swift, precise kick, severing the wolf's head from its body in a single fluid motion. The severed head tumbled to the ground, a grim testament to Maria's unwavering resolve in the face of danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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