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(Grab your tissues)

They had come up with a plan to take the underground tunnels as Castor's brother Pollux knew the tunnels.
"My brother knows these tunnels really well. He worked sanitation down here. Right after they made him an avox." Castor explained then hugged his brother. "Hey. Hey. You gonna be okay? Look at me. Look at me. We're gonna get through this. I promise... Took us five years to buy his way outta here. He didn't see the sun once. " He says and they all run to hide behind a wall as a vehicle was coming down the tunnel. "We're too exposed here," Jackson said and they found a path to the sewer tunnels.
"All right, everybody, we're gonna stop here for a bit and get some rest, "Jackson said. Saylor sat in between her brother and Sejanus trying to get comfortable. I'm going to be so happy when this is over. Saylor thought as she tried to sleep but she was soon interrupted by Peeta telling them they had to go.

"We gotta go. We gotta get outta here now." Peeta said frantically. "Keep your voice down." Gale roughly reminded him. "Mutts! They released mutts." Peeta tells them. "Pollux, what's the fastest way out?" Katniss asked and he pointed in the direction. Finnick gives Saylor a hand helping her step down from the pipe they were in and motions for her to stay in front of him. Gale then lights his crossbow and shoots it down the tunnel to see what's up ahead. Seeing that it was clear they all started walking slowly. Gale shoots another arrow and sets the walls on fire. Pollux climbs through the hole first and motions that he is going to look ahead. Saylor holds her breath as she watches Pollux disappear behind a wall but is quickly relieved when he gives them go head. Gale climbs in first. Then Katniss, Saylor, Finnick, and Sejanus. Then the rest of the crew followed behind them.

They all waited while Jackson was watching their backs. She then turns to the team but quickly turns back to the Mutts tackling her.
Katniss shoots a lit arrow in the hole making her fall back from the explosion. Saylor helps Katniss up and then starts running.
"Come on! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! It's mutts! Come on, come on, come on! Pollux, lead us out of here!" Someone yells. They start running as fast as they can but some of the Mutts caught up to the people in the back. "Castor!" Cressida yells as he screams in pain. She starts spraying bullets. Katniss and Saylor try to help by shooting arrows and throwing knives but Finnick yells to fall back. "Katniss, Saylor let's go!" Sejanus said then grabbed both of them. They all ran into a bigger tunnel system where most of them connected. Pollux motions for them to climb up the ladder.

They all try to fight off as many as they can but there are just too many of them. Saylor pulls out her machetes and stabs a Mutt in the neck then throws it off to the side. She sees a Mutt running towards Sejanjus and she quickly throws a knife landing right in between its nonexistent eyes. Finnick comes up next to her and they face back to back trying to cover each other. Cressida then starts yelling to go up the ladder. Everyone starts to go up except for Katniss, Saylor, Sejanjus, and Finnick.

"Go, Go, Go! " Finnick yells to Katniss and she starts to climb the ladder. "Katniss!" Saylor and Finnick yell as they see two mutts about to tackle her. Saylor through one of her machetes at a mutt and Finnick through his trident at the other mutt. "Go, Saylor!" Finnick yells as he fights off a mutt. "I'm not leaving you!" She yells back. "Go, I'll be right behind you." He tells her. Saylor hesitated but Sejanus grabbed her arm and dragged her to the ladder then ran back to help Finnick as he was weaponless. She started climbing up the ladder and quickly made it to the top. She immediately turns around and looks down for her brother and her friend.

Saylor watches as Sejanus and Finnick make it closer to the ladder. "Come on!" She yells. "Go up! I'll watch your back." Sejanus yelled to Finnick. He looks at Sejanus for a quick second and Sejanus gives him a reassuring nod. Finnick then climbs up the ladder and Saylor helps pull him up as she could see blood through his uniform on his arm. A mutt had clearly bit or scratched him. Finnick makes it to the top and collapse on the ground while groaning in pain.

Sejanus then starts to climb the ladder and makes it more than halfway. Saylor reaches for Sejanus and he grabs her hand but a mutt bites his leg while another tries to tackle him down but Saylor keeps her grip, He screams in pain and Saylor tries to help pull him up but she doesn't have the strength. "Let me go!" Sejanjus yelled but Saylor shook her head."I'm not letting you die!" She yells back, tears start to rise in Saylor's eyes as she hears Sejanus's screams and as she comes to the realization that she's not strong enough to pull him up.

The mutts are getting closer to the top and the rest of the team is telling her that they need to go. But Saylor doesn't care she would rather die then let go of Sejanus. She then sees Finnick reach down and grab Sejanus's other arm and helped pull him up while yelling in pain.
"Katniss! Nightlock!" Saylor yells and Katniss moves quickly. " Nightlock. Nightlock. Nightlock." Saylor gives Finnick a look and they pull as hard as they can and they pulled Sejanjus up while Katniss drops the bomb.
"Come on, come on, come on, come on. Let's go. Keep moving! Keep moving!" Someone yells and Finnick picks up Sejanus and carries him as he groans in pain.

They run out of the sewers but are quickly attacked by Peacekeepers. Finnick while carrying Sejanus starts running while Saylor covers them. As they were running beams of light came down from the ceiling and disintegrated anything in its path and the ground was destroying itself right behind them.
"I know we're we are! I know a place!" Cressida yells and they all follow behind her.

Cressida guided them undetected to what looked to be an abandoned home. Cressida knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and Saylor heard a gasp but she was too focused on trying to apply pressure to Sejanjus's wound. After they made it out of the tunnel Finnick couldn't carry him anymore so he switched off with Gale.
Gale had sat him down and Finnick was trying to wake him up. "Oh my gosh... Quickly, come in." Saylor immediately recognized the voice and looked up to see she was already being looked at. Tigris.

HAHAAH, OF COURSE, I WOULD NEVER KILL FINNICK OFF! (I did think about it but realized how silly that would be. Same think with Sejanus)
Ok but not going to lie my original plan was to have Finnick be where Sejanus is but I decided to switch it up.

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