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(What happened after Saylor left Coriolanus at the Capitol)

"Saylor... I'm so sorry. I never wanted this to happen. I love you. And I know you don't believe or trust me. But I love you so much that it makes me do crazy things for you. I was trying to protect you... but I see how messed up the things I did were. If I could go back and change my decisions I would in a heartbeat. Because all I want is to be with you. I love you Saylor Odair... I love you." Coriolanus said but Saylor didn't say anything back and walked out of the room. Coriolanus shakes the cell door out of frustration then leans his forehead against the cell. What have I done? He thinks. "We are so screwed... they are going to kill us." The peacekeeper next to him kept repeating. Coriolanus ignores him and then takes a seat on the floor with his back against the wall. Coriolanus notices a small blanket on the ground and grabs it. Just holding it in his hands he could smell Saylor. He clutched it as hard as he could and brought the blanket to his chest. Everything was hitting him all at once. He messed up and he knew it. There and then he decided he was done with the Capitol and would do anything to win Saylor back.

After some time, the door opened and the General walked in with two other peacekeepers. The first walked over to the other peacekeeper's cell and aimed their guns. "Please I-" He started to beg but a loud band was heard. Coriolanus kept his eyes on the ground not wanting to look at the Peacekeeper not far from him. They then walked over to Coriolanus's cell and unlocked it. "Unfortunately your Grandfather wants you alive. Get up!" He yells the last part and Coriolanus stands up and follows them.
They led him to a torture room, tied him to a chair, and left his hands cuffed.

Days had passed and Coriolanus was bruised and cut everywhere. They had buzzed his hair and shocked him till he passed out. They tried to get information out of him about Saylor but Coriolanus wouldn't budge which made them madder. After the third time he had passed out, they left him alone.
Coriolanus didn't know how many days had passed but he knew he needed to get out of there. Luckily for him, they were transferring him to a different torture room. Two peacekeepers walked in and untied him from the chair he acted fast and elbowed one of them in the face then kneed the other in the stomach. He grabbed one of their knives and stabbed one in the neck. The other one was trying to escape the room but Corio came up behind him wrapped his forearm around his neck and choked him till he went limp.

Coriolanus grabs the handcuff keys. uncuffs himself and grabs their access card. He opened the door and peeked outside to make sure the cost was clear. Coriolanus knew the facility and the Capitol like the back of his hand so it wasn't that hard for him to escape undetected. He went to the first place he knew would help him.

Coriolanus knocked on the door and Tigris opened the door. "Corio? What happened? " She exclaimed as she saw his face. "Come in. Hurry." She says and he does. She immediately locks the door and gets a medical kit. "I need to hide. Peacekeepers are after me and Grandfather probably isn't too happy with me either." He explains and Tigris shows him an underground bunker that she has. "What did you get yourself wrapped up in Corio?" She asked while cleaning his wounds. "The rebels escaped and I was supposed to stop them." He explained. "But you let them go... Or more so you let her go." Tigris said. "Kinda... She escaped by herself. She didn't need my help. They're pissed because I would information about her." He says and Tigris smiles. "What?" He asked confused about why she was smiling. "You did the right thing, Corio," Tigris said but Coriolanus shook his head. "Maybe in the end but... She hates me now." He admitted. Tigris pats his head and then stands up. "Don't give up on her yet Coriolanus. Put yourself in her shoes. Not knowing who to trust and what is true or not. Give her time and be honest with her." She tells him. I should have been honest from the start. "Now in the meantime. Get some rest." Tigris said then climbed out of the bunker.


Tigris was lying in bed when she heard a loud knock on her door. She got up and put on a robe before answering the door. "Can I help you?" She asked as she said a peacekeeper general and several other peacekeepers with him. "Is Coriolanus Snow with you?" He asked and she shook her head. "No, I haven't seen him in about a week is he ok?" She asked and the General shoved his way in. They tore up her appointment but didn't find the bunker that was under her rug. "He's not here." He said then they all left without saying anything else. "Rude," Tigris mumbled then went back to bed.


The next morning Tigris made breakfast and caught up on the news. She has seen a little bit of what was going on but after seeing the news of the Mocking Jays death she stopped watching as much. She didn't believe that they were dead. Not until she saw body.
Tigris didn't dare tell Coriolanus about the news about Saylors supposed death. He would asked about what's going on but she would just tell him bits and pieces. She was about to go check on her cousin but there was a knock her door. Tigris took a deep breath before opening the door and was shocked to see who was at her doorstep.

Will we be saying goodbye to Finnick in the next chapter? Take your guess!!

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