Cyclic vomiting syndrome Upstead

Start from the beginning

"I know but you havent had anything since breakfast," Hailey told him. It was now dinner time and he had skipped lunch.

"I don't have an appetite," Jay told her.

"I know but can you at least try something? I don't want to have to take you to med" Hailey said as she rubbed his back.

Jay agreed because he did not want to have to go to med. Hailey found some chicken noodle soup in the pantry and heated it up. He brought it over to him and he only ate half of it. He got extremely nauseous and shut his eyes and tried to breathe through them. It didn't work and he ran to the bathroom and threw up. Hailey ran in behind him and comforted him.

"Ssh your ok let it all out" Hailey repeated until he stopped throwing up.

Jay still felt like he was going to throw up so he laid down on the floor, hailey put a towel under his head and another one over him. She sat next to him and rubbed his back. He threw up 4 more times over the next hour. Hailey was getting worried. He was eventually able to get up and went back to bed. Hailey felt his head and noticed he felt a little warm. She went and got some water, medicine, a trash can, and a thermometer.

"I'm gonna take your temperature real quick. You feel warm" Hailey told him.

She took his temperature and it was 100.

"It's 100 it's not bad. I'll give you some Tylenol and it should help." Hailey told him.

She gave him some Tylenol and Pepto and he fell asleep. She got in bed next to him and pulled him into her chest and rubbed his back. She fell asleep soon after. Both of them barely got any sleep that night. Jay was up multiple times per hour throwing up. His temperature was still at 100 but he had a headache and was sensitive to light. He was getting dehydrated since he couldn't keep anything down so Hailey called Will.

H Hey Jay is super sick. He hasn't been able to keep anything down since last night and is dehydrated.

W does he have a fever?

H A lowgrade one its been at 100 since last night.

W ok I'm at med right now so bring him in.

H ok I'll see you in a bit.

Hailey went into their room and woke Jay up. She helped him get dressed and they went to Hailey's car. Jay threw up twice on the way. He was really weak so he leaned against Hailey when he was walking. Since it was early in the morning the ed was pretty empty. He got into a treatment room quickly. Will took his vitals and decided to run some bloodwork.

"Ok Jay I want to get you rehydrated with an IV and run some blood work," Will told him and he squeezed Haileys and and groaned. "I know I'm sorry but you're dehydrated and this is the third time it's happened in the last 6 months. I think it's more than just a stomach bug" he told him.

April came in a few minutes later to start his IV and draw some blood.

"Focus on me baby squeeze my hand don't think about it" Hailey soothed.

Jay flinched when the needle entered his skin. April had to get multiple vials of blood so it took a few minutes.

"Ssh you ok squeeze my hand focus on me" Hailey soothed.

April finished drawing his blood and quickly got the IV in. She left the room and Hailey kissed his head and hugged him. Will came back in a few minutes later.

"I'm going to do an ultrasound and I ordered a CT. The blood results should be back within a few hours" Will told him.

Jay groaned in annoyance. He wasn't feeling good; and was tired and a tight CT machine was the last place he wanted to be.

Will started the ultrasound and when he ran the wand over the middle of his stomach and he groaned in pain and threw up.

"Ssh your ok its ok" Hailey soothed.

Will got a cloth and Hailey wiped Jay's face. He was shaking violently. Hailey grabbed his hands and gently squeezed them and kissed his head.

"Your ultrasound is normal. You're next in line for a ct. I know your claustrophobic so I can give you a light sedative for the scan" Will told him.

10 minutes later the ct machine was ready. Will gave Jay a sedative and wheeled him up to CT. When Jay was in ct she went and got a snack and drink from the vending machine. She quickly ate it then went and used the restroom and went back to Jay's room. He got back 25 minutes later.

"He should wake up in a few minutes. His results should be ready in about 30 minutes. I'll be back in 15 minutes to check on him." Will told her.

She went and grabbed Jay's hand and waited for him to wake up. He woke up a few minutes later and immediately threw up. Hailey talked him through it and comforted him. Will came into the room 15 minutes later. By that time Jay had thrown up 3 more times. By this point, he was dry-heaving and throwing up bile.

"How are you feeling?" Will asked.

"Awful" Jay replied.

"He's thrown up 3 times in the last 10 minutes" Hailey added.

"I'm sorry Jay I'm gonna give you some more Zofran," Will said as he injected more Zofran into his IV.

15 minutes later his CT results came back. They were normal.

"Ok, Jay your ct results are normal. I'll be back in a bit. I'm going to consult with Connor about the next steps.

Will and Connor came back an hour later.

"OK, Jay so based off of your test results being pretty much normal and symptoms I think you have cyclic vomiting syndrome. I want to do a scope just to be sure it's nothing else but I'm pretty sure that's what it is. You meet the criteria for it. This is your third episode in the last 6 months" Connor told him.

"I thought you developed it as a kid?" Jay asked.

"Most people do but it can happen in adulthood," Connor told him.

Jay signed the consent forms and went up for his scope.

His scope only took 30 minutes. Will went and got Hailey when it was over and she went into his room and held his hand until he woke up a few minutes later.

"How are you feeling babe?" Hailey asked.

"Tired" Jay replied in a raspy voice.

"Is your throat sore?" Will asked, Jay nodded." ok that's normal. It'll go away within the next 24 to 48 hours" Will told him.

Jay slept for a bit and then Connor came in.

"The good news is everything is normal. The bad news is you do have cyclic vomiting syndrome. The good news is it is treatable. I am going to refer you to a GI specialist and prescribe you Zofran in the meantime. Hopefully, now that you know what's going on you'll be able to take Zofran and may have to come in for IV fluids but you'll be ok. It is easily treatable. We are going to keep you here overnight just to get you fully rehydrated. You'll be able to go home in the morning" Connor told him.

"Ok thank you. When can I go back to work?" Jay asked.

"I would stay home for the next 3 days and give your body time to recover. You're going to be tired for a few days and rest is the best thing for you." Connor replied.

"Ok thank you" Jay replied.

Jay sent a quick text to Voight and fell asleep. When he woke up he saw the response from him saying to take as much time as he needed and keep him in the loop. The rest of the night was uneventful, they both mainly slept.

They got discharged the next morning and went home. Jay was feeling better but he was tired and still a little nauseous. Hailey made him some toast for breakfast and then he sat down on the couch while Hailey cleaned up the apartment and ordered groceries.

Jay spent the next 3 days resting and was now ready to go back to work. They were glad they had finally known what was going on and how to treat it.

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