Stellaride stomach flu

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Stella was getting ready for work when she noticed her stomach hurt a bit but she didn't think much of it. Once she got to the firehouse she ate breakfast with everyone. Her stomach ache got a bit worse but she just chalked it up to stress. She took some Pepto and went on with her day. An hour later they got called out to a house fire. Stella rescued a 40-year-old man who passed out in the home from smoke inhalation. Once she brought them to the medics, she got some water and her adrenaline began to come down. She started to feel more and more sick the more her adrenaline came down. She was trying to drink water and breathe through it but it didn't work she was pale and sweaty kelly saw her and walked up to her concerned

"Hey babe are you ok," Kelly asked

"Yeah I just need a minute" Stella replied

A minute later she threw up all over the floor. Kelly ran up to her and rubbed her back.

"Your ok babe it's okay" Kelly soothed

Sylvie and Violet ran up to her.

"Stella are you ok are you sick from the fire did you inhale something," Violet asked

"No my stomach has been off all day I think I have the stomach flu or something" Stella replied

"Ok let me check you over real quick" Sylvie

"Ok" Stella replied

Sylvie took her vitals and her pulse and blood pressure were a bit high.

"Ok, your pulse and blood pressure but that's normal given the situation. All your other vitals are good I want to take your temperature and feel your glands and stomach" Sylvie told Stella

"Ok Stella replied

Sylvie took her temperature and it was 101.

"Ok your temperature is 102 I'm going to feel your stomach and glands now"

Sylvie felt her glands and they were a little swollen. She then felt her stomach and Stella whimpered when she pushed on the middle of her stomach

"Sorry, you have the stomach flu. Go home and rest and drink lots of fluids if your fever gets to 104 call me I hope you feel better" Sylvie said

They got back to the firehouse and Kelly drove them home. Stella fell asleep in the car so Kelly carried her inside. Once he got her inside he got her in bed and then went and grabbed a trash can, water, saltines Advil, and a thermometer. He put the trash can on her side of the bed and set the rest of the stuff on the nightstand and crawled in bed. He carefully pulled her into his chest and fell asleep. An hour later Stella threw up again.

"Ssh your ok baby it's ok just breathe through it I'm here" he soothed while rubbing her back.

"My stomach hurts" Stella cried

"I know I'm sorry, do you want to try the heat?" Kelly asked

"Yeah" Stella replied

"Ok ill be right back," Kelly said

He went into the kitchen and heated up a corn pack for her. Once it was done he came back in and slipped it under her shirt.

"I want to take your temperature real quick," Kelly said

"Ok" Stella replied

He took her temperature and it was 102.7

"Ok it's gone up a little it's 102.7 now I want you to take some Advil" Kelly told her

'Ok' Stella replied

She took Advil and then fell asleep for a bit. She woke up 2 hours later and threw up again.

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