Chapter 14

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The kingdom of Hudsora was gathered for a most joyous day, the union of Kaden Nez and their beloved aloof Princess Gisela. Kaden was all dressed in black clothing with silver edging. His hair was no longer gelled into a ponytail but it sat loose over his shoulders. He had a clean face, not clean shaven, but no dirt or guyliner. He took a nervous breath in as he stood beside the priest of Hudsora. Shamrock in all green formal clothing, as was his royal Isbellin color, stood beside Kaden. "Nervous, Captain?" He smiled. "I'm about to change all I know and marry the prettiest girl I've ever met.. I'm petrified." Kaden sighs. "It'll be alright, She loves you, and you two are gonna be the happiest- oh, here she comes." Shamrock grins.

Gisela made her way down the isle, her arm around her father's arm. She wore a beautiful pink and white mermaid cut dress with a long veil and a ribbon to tie it off. Her father wore his best royal garments, pink and white, to match his daughter and Hudsora' official color. King Robert II of Hudsora walked her infront of Vaun. "Thank you, father." Gisela hugged him. "Anything to see my daughter so happy." He hugs her back and took his place next to King Marrisa. "We are gathered here today to witness to beautiful unity of Kaden Nez and Princess Gisela of Hudsora! Does anyone object? Speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said. Gisela and Kaden squeezed eachother's hands. "You look gorgeous." Kaden whispered. Gisela held back tears of joy. 'Thank you' she mouthes to him, squeezing his hands again. "No objections? We shall continue on, then." The priest smiled to the lovers.

"Kaden Nez, do you take Princess Gisela to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall live? Through sickness and through health? Through the cold and the hot seasons? Through trial and tribulation?" the priest asked. "I do." Kaden smiled. "You may say your vows." The priest nods. "Gisela, since I first laid eyes on you I have never quite understood how I feel, I still don't, but you, Gisela.. you make the waves a lot calmer, the sirens a lot less loud, and the way a lot more charted. I love you more than I can say." Kaden smiled, shyly. "Gisela Hudsora, do you take Kaden Nez as your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall live? Through sickness and through health? Through the cold and the hot seasons? Through trial and tribulation?" the priest asked. "I do." Gisela smiled. "I'll go ahead and say my Vows. You are the man of my dreams, I can truly say that. The last few weeks have been wonderful and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Gisela smiled.

"I may now pronounce you, husband and wife." The priest smiled. "You may now kiss the bride." Gisela and Kaden intertwined in a sweet kiss. Vaun picks her up, bridal style, walking her back down the isle. She throws her bouquet back, the girl next to Rookie catching the bouquet. The girl kissed Rookie as Murder Joe, Shamrock, and Primal whooped and hooted, running down the isle after the lovers.

The End.

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