Chapter 7

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"Good morning, Princess." The lovable scraggily pirate known as Murder Joe smiled. "Joe?.. where's Vaun?" Gisela sat up. "He's captaining the ship! We just docked at the Hurbane kingdom national port. We have errands to run, come along Princess. He hold me to give you this dress." Joe handed her a purple dress with gold accents and a slant cut skirt. "Purple.. the color of Hurbane, clever." Gisela smirked, taking the matching headband from Joe. "Alright wait for me out there while I change." She told Joe as he left. She changed out of her nightgown into the dress. "Not exactly flattering.. but, it'll do." Gisela puts on the headband. She noticed two black dangling earrings next to her hammock and she put them on, walking out.

The whole crew erupted in catcalls. She didn't know how old these men were but she relished in it, hoping to get a reaction out of the reactionless Vaun. "Look at you, pretty girl." The short and scruffy pirate chef, Chef Chicken Legs called out. "Don't pay no attention to Chicken legs, Gorgeous!" The- temporary pirate, who's only job was to clean the poop deck, Crappants yelled out. "Enough, stop shooting your shots with the hot mama!" The new addition known as Rookie yelled out. "Then you stop!" The decently well kept pirate known as Shanty yelled out. The two quieter pirates Weld and Dopey stand and stare. "I say ditch the Prince and come with my instead, I'd like to-" the last pirate was cut off. "BLAH BLAH!" the rest of the pirates yelled out. "That's enough, all of you." Joe frowned. "I can agree with you all, it was quite the get up for.. nothing." Vaun scoffed. The Princess gasped and turned. "I know I don't look pretty in this fl dress but you sure!-" Gisela was interrupted by Vaun shushing her with his finger. "Boys, introduce yourselves to the cargo." Vaun spoke up.

"She's a woman, Vaun. Man up, this is immature." Joe scoffed. "I'm Shamrock." "Jackalheart." "Primal, loves." "Bootleg Willy! Nice to meet you." "Chef chicken legs, but I bet my chicken isn't the only-" "I'M SHANTY" Shanty interrupted. "Rookie, lovely to meet you, Princess." Rookie kissed her hand. Vaun frowned and the Princess giggled. "Dopey, hello!" "I'm Weld, you break it and I'll fix it." The tall and slim man made a measly smile. "I'm the ship cleaner.. Carso-" "His name's crappants! I'm whatever name you're gonna call me in-" "BLAH BLAH!" The pirates yell once more, even the Captain this time. "Well it's.. lovely to meet you all, I guess." Gisela tilted her head. "Enough with the chit chat, let's go." Captain Vaun demanded, walking off of his ship. Gisela was unsure of leaving the boats with these.. Vermins. Lord knows what would happen to her. "Stay close." Murder Joe extended his hand to her. Gisela nods and takes his hand.

They exit the boat and walk down to the time square. "This is Hurbane, the Kingdom of law and order. Step out of the line and they'll make your blood into wine." Vaun taunted the Princess, getting up in her face. The Princess tensed up, hiding behind Joe. "Baby." The Captain snorted. Gisela scoffed in return of this comment. "Listen, you're gonna stay here with Murder Joe, Shamrock, and Rookie. I have business to do and you'd just be dead weight. I'll be back." He walks away with the rest of the pirates. Gisela groans and drops down on the ledge of the water fountain. "What's on your mind, Princess?" Murder Joe asked her. "You're much prettier when you smile." Rookie told her. "That was a stupid thing to say." Shamrock smacked the back of Rookie's head. "Well.. it's just- I'm in love with Vaun.." Gisela huffed. "In love?! You met him two weeks ago and have only talked to him three times!" Shamrock said, surprised.

"I have these.. dreams. Not weird ones- but I have this reoccurring dream." Gisela sighs. "What are these dreams of yours?" Joe asked the princess. "Well.. it usually starts out with a pirate man, recently discovered as Vaun, hands me a bouquet of flowers. He puts his arm around me and walks me to the boat. He's telling me how happy he is that I met with him as he brought me to the boat. It's docked in the Hendersonian port, beautiful sunset painting the sky. We step into the boat and he twirls me to face him. It's just us and we begin dancing around the boat. I run up the staircase and he runs after me.. I ask him 'Would you catch me if I fell?' and he responds with yes. I then tell him how I feel about him. He tells me that he can't live me, not that he doesn't. Then the dream ends..." Gisela told him. "Right, because the deal.. do you find your reoccurring dreams to typically come true?" Shamrock asked. "They're usually silly little dreams, but this one isn't.. this one is real.. I can't feel it." Gisela sighs deeply into her hands.

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