Chapter 12

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"Finally.. I've waited for this day. Tonight I will walk down isle and she will say! Yes! She's almost mine! Yes! Our hands will intertwine. Nothing can ruin this day, for she's almost mine." Prince Alan fixed his crown on his his. "Only but hours until our last names match. Only but minutes until I see her in it, that beautiful white dress! Oh, Gisela, Mi Amor." Alan fixed his formal wear's collar. "It's not just for her, but for being a king! I trust she'll make a righteous and kind Queen! She's almost mine! Nothing can come between and future king and future king! I'm so excited for tonight she's mine. She's almost mine.." Prince Alan walks downstairs.

Gisela finished putting on the ugly wedding dress. She kissed the pearl, leaving a light lipstick trace on it. She set the ring next to his sword. "Joe.. Shamrock. I'm gonna miss you both. Joe, will you accompany me to the gates? Your my father away from home. Least you can do is walk me there." Gisela sighs. Murder Joe puts the crown on her head and nods, tearing up a bit. Joe helps her off the ship and walks her to the gates of the Garcian palace. Joe kissed her head. "Stay careful, Princess. Never forget your place aboard the Diamond Rave." He told her.  "I won't!" She broke into tears and hugged him. "Good" he hugged her, tightly. She was lead inside by a handmaiden. She walked past Vaun, who she did everything to not look at. Vaun couldn't help but feel hurt and guilty as he passed her. Gisela was lead to a room where she could freshen up if needed.

Gisela looked into the vanity mirror. "Nobody who cares, it's not fair. Betrothed to an evil man, if my father could see it now! I can't believe just how fast the time passed.. 18 in a white going to Queen from a Princess. My heart belongs wheres wind blows and the sea calls.." Gisela wipes tears from her face.

Alan looked in his mirror, admiring his sword. The handmaiden peaked in to tell him she's arrived. "Finally the Princess has arrived! Finally my time. She can no longer deny. By dusk she will me my Queen and then we'll!-.." Prince Alan chuckled. "If you know what I mean! From Prince Alan to King! She's finally mine." Prince Alan walks to his father.

Vaun was putting the riches in the treasure room of the shop. "She was so close, she was meant to be mine. She was in my arms, but never was she mine! She's richer than gold, but I treated her so cold. A simple 'I'm sorry' will never suffice. I shouldn't have taken my heart's advice.. she was almost mine." Vaun walks onto the deck.

"I knew not what I know now! It was treacherous but oh wow! My heart said so and I fell.. but look where I am now.. Bride in a wedding from hell." Gisela wipes her tears.

"She was almost mine and she made it! Now for her to be my Queen for a powerful and wealthy King! Im the groom in the wedding of my dreams." Alan grinned, walking through the crowd of his people gathered for the wedding. He stands at the altar.

"So close but never to be my girl. A treacherous tango rocked my world. Now I'm standing here and all that's left is a Pirates life while she's standing there in that dress! I'm twisted but she's the bride in a wedding that's twisted as well!" Vaun cried out, walking into his Captain's cabin. He noticed the ring and put it on. "I can't let her go.. I've made a mistake. He ran to grab the riches back from where he had stored them. The crew and him ran towards the wedding venue as fast as they possibly could. She wasn't getting away from him this time.

Gisela was walked down the isle by King Pedro of Garcian. He walks her in front of the Prince and sat down. The old priest of Garcian spoke up. "Prince Alan of Garcian. Do you take Princess Gisela of Hudsora to be your lawfully wedded wife? Through sickness and through health? Through the cold and the hot seasons? Through trial and tribulation?" The old priest asked Alan. "I do." He smiled. "You may say your vows" The old priest croaks. "Dear Gisela, you may not be excited to marry me but I'll give you a life nobody else can. I promise to be a good and kind king to you. A worthy husband." Alan smiled, holding her hands. "Princess Gisela of Hudsora. Do you take Prince Alan of Garcian to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through sickness and through health? Through the cold and the hot seasons? Through trial and tribulation?" The old priest smiled to her. Gisela stood in mental combat with herself, but figured she can't escape this, so she might as well say I do. She opened her mouth to speak.

"STOP THE WEDDING!" Vaun yells, dropping the bags of riches. He made his way down the isle. "Gisela is worth more than all the riches in the world! You can keep your gold, your silver! Your pearls! Your copper! You can keep it all! It's nothing in comparison to MY Gisela!" Vaun yelled out. Gisela broke down into tears. "VAUN! YOU CAME! I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T GIVE UP ON ME!" She ran to him, hugging him tightly. Vaun kissed her and the whole crowd gasps. "NO! NO! NO! SHE'S MARRIED TO ME! SHE'S SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME KING!" Alan yelled. The whole crowd gasps again. "I never said I did! I don't love you, I never did! and this dress?! IS A FASHION MISTAKE!" Gisela held Vaun's hand. "Guards! Seize them!" Alan yelled out. The crew, Captain Vaun, and Gisela all took off running back to the ship. They all fumbled onboard. Shamrock pulled the anchor up while Captain Vaun pulled out of the harbor. They started on their straight path back to Hudsora.

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