Chapter one

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Chapters get longer and better as this book progresses. I'm writing chapter by chapter based on events. So they'll be short but I update this every night so keep a lookout! It does get better from the second chapter, I promise!

She awoke from her slumber with a smile. A cat sat up on the bed. "Oh, Selena. He's just wonderful! I had the same dream again. This handsome man had his arms around me and he carried me down to his ship, and we sailed off to the sunset! It's just perfect!" She collapsed back onto her bed. Her brown hair was messy and her brown eyes were still groggy from sleep, nonetheless. Her handmaiden walks into her room. "Good morning, Princess Gisela. I see your up and smiling. Same dream again? That's the third night this week!" Her handmaiden took a beautiful pale pink gown out of the closet and placed it on the vanity. "Yes, the same dream. He's just wonderful, Isa! Tonight the dream went a little longer! We danced across the wooden floor of the ship in the beautiful sunset!" Gisela grinned, reminiscing. "Well Princess. Go ahead and get dressed. You've got visitors. Your tiara and dress are in the vanity" Isa said, walking out. Gisela sat up and danced to the vanity, humming, and throwing off her night gown. She slid her gown on over herself, synching up the back. She tied a pink ribbon around her waist and sat at the vanity chair. She brushed her messy hair as she hums a tune. "It can't just be a just dream, I must say. I wake up and smile every day. I wake and get makes it worth while." She sung, placing the tiara on her head. She spun over to her mannequin. "All I wanna hear you say, is may I have this dance? And I'll dance like wind. I'll sway like the trees. The farther your sail, the closer to me. Mr. Pirate I know not your name, not your age, not where you come from. The one thing I know is where your going! Soon I'll find you, you'll be here with me and you'll take me away and I'll dance! Dance like the wind! And I'll sway! Sway like the trees." She danced around her room with the mannequin. Not hearing the the footsteps draw closer. "I'll be in your arms, safe from harm. I know not where you are, but of where your going. I'll know no harm, but only your song. As we.. dance like the wind, sway like the trees.. as your ship sails away... in the breeze." Her door flies open, frightening her.

Her father stood in the doorway. "Gisela, you must stop this madness. The king of Garcian has brought his son." Her father told her. "Father, not another one. I told you I don't want a Prince." Gisela complained. "You can't be on about that silly pirate, again, Gisela." Her father told her, irritated. "Sorry, father.." Gisela sighs. "As the Princess of Hudsora, the only princess out of four heirs. It is your job to marry into a queen status. You're the oldest of our children, you must set an example for your brother, who is due to become king." Her father spoke. "Yes sir." Gisela spoke, placing the mannequin down. "Be downstairs in five minutes. The Prince is getting bored." Her father demanded, leaving the room. The Princess crossed her arms and huffed, irritated. "I don't understand why he won't just let me be happy!" Gisela complained, looking in the mirror and fixing her tiara. She applied lipstick to her lips, walking downstairs to meet the King and Prince of Garcian. She reached there and cringed. The Prince of Garcian, poor guy, he wasn't very good looking. She'd rather have the Prince of Gongforld, he was somewhat attractive. She slowly walks downstairs, holding her breath. The Prince sees her and grins, walking to the staircase. Please don't take my hand, please don't take my hand. Your face is covered in red bumps, your hands look ashy from over here.. oh please don't. The Princess thought as she reached the end of the staircase. The Prince of Garcian took her hand and he kissed it. The Princess tried so hard not to cringe.

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