Chapter 2

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"Oh.. how kind of you.." Princess Gisela said through a fake smile. She looked to her mother, uncomfortable. Her mother shared the same look. "Let me accompany you to the garden, my lady." Prince Alan grinned, taking her arm. "You shall.." Gisela sighs, taking his arm. Her three younger brothers, Prince Trey, Jonah, and Jacor snickered. They liked seeing their sister in despair when it was funny. The two made their way to the beautiful royal garden. Every shade of flower was neatly grown in sections. The kingdom's signature flower, Hudsorz, grew around the arches. The Hudsorz was a beautiful flower, a hot pink flower specked with light pink and white filament. Gisela and Alan made their way to the gorgeous waterfall and sat on the ledge.

"So, my Princess. I would care to know of your dreams and aspirations." Prince Alan smiled, hand on her knee. Gisela, despite the discomfort, kept a warm but fake smile. "Well.. I aspire to travel other kingdoms. I dream of finding my true love." Gisela nods. "Look no further. You'd make a great queen of Garcian and a lovely mother to new heirs." Alan kissed her hand. "I don't.. really.. wanna have kids any time soon. I'm still young, why have kids just to raise them up as another mindless monarchist? I want to have kids because I want to, not to produce an heir." Gisela sighs. "Such foolishness, your father warned me you were aloof. Your beauty makes up for it, dearest princess." Alan smiled. 'This guy never gives up! I'm not into you! Do you understand that?! Leave me alone!!' Gisela thought. "What do you look for in a king, Dear Gisela?" Alan asked her. "I don't believe I want a king at all. I'm tired of living the perfect princess life. My true love is no prince." Gisela said, boldly.

"Nonsense, Gisela! Beauty such as yours can only be compared with the rugged good looks of a Prince. It is in your blood to marry a king, gorgeous." Alan strokes her hair. "I just want to follow my heart, Prince Garcian.." Gisela looked saddened. "Call me Alan, Dear. No need to fret. You shall realize your heart is truly content with that of which is a Prince." Alan took her hand and walks her around the garden water fountain. "My dearest Princess Gisela. Princess of Hudsora! My real reason for coming here today is.. to offer you my hand in marriage. I know you think settling down isn't for you, but I can convince you otherwise. Let me be the suitor you do not turn away!" Alan spoke. "Oh Alan.. I'm speechless.." Gisela said with a shocked face. "Well, your father will be throwing a ball in honor of the Garcians being here tonight. Tell me then and we will announce the engagement!" Alan kissed her and ran off.

Gisela looked horrified. He just kissed her! His nasty lips just kissed her!! She was gonna vomit.. The nearby handmaiden had witnessed it and ran straight to the king to tell of the wonderful news she had just seen. "My king! My king! He's proposed and kissed her! I think he may finally be the one!" The handmaiden shrieked in excitement. The Queen knew this wasn't right and strode out to the garden. "That's amazing news! Maybe he's finally won her over!" The king grinned. The Queen Marissa sat beside Gisela. "Did he.. force you to kiss him?" She asked. "Yes mother. I didn't want to turn him down so harshly.. but he told me to tell him the answer later, kissed me, and ran off." Gisela sighs, sadly. "I will speak to your father about it, but you are aware of the ball, correct?" The Queen asked. "Yes, mother." Gisela nods. "Well then, on your way to get ready." Marissa smiled. "Yes, mother." Gisela walks with her mother back into the palace, making her way upstairs to her room.

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