~Chapter 2~

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I honestly don't remember the last time I could smile as if nothing happened to me. Forcing it was something normal for me. It was only the second week of September, everyone was busy with homecoming and here I was, sitting on my bed hearing my roommate's conversation with her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, I can't come."


"I know."


"No, she's not ready to be home alone."

Another pause.

She sighed and looked at me. My curious eyes looked right at her as she tilted her head. 

"Can um...your boyfriend come here for a few hours tonight?" My roommate has sparkling blue eyes and gorgeous blond curly hair, she's the cliche typical American girl you see in movies, except for the scar on the side of her forehead that she hides with her curtain bangs. I don't understand why she hides it, I've seen it once, and she probably told me the reason behind it but as I said.

I can't remember as much.

In a matter of 30 minutes Oscar was at my house, he was looking around as if it was his first time coming to my house, and he flashed me a small attractive smile as he watched me checking him out. I wouldn't believe that I was dating this young handsome boy. Even though my Spanish wasn't as fluent as before, Oscar and I were able to communicate fine with our "Spanglish" 

I felt his arms wrap around me as he took a deep breath.

"Have you been feeling okay lately? No headaches?" His light brown eyes looked right at me, I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine as I looked down, somehow I felt intimidated to respond to his question. 

I wondered how I felt for him before the accident if I was happy and didn't feel the need to push him away. 

"I'm okay, as of right now," I mumbled, laughing nervously as I hid my face on his chest, smelling the strong cologne and watermelon, his favorite gum flavor. 


The night was quite cold, very quiet and still as I stared at the lake, my hands in my pockets as I confidently asked him to come to the lake after my Spanish tutoring. 

I saw the way he looked at me as I laughed and talked to his friends. 

I saw the way the way his eyes pierced mine as I smirked. 

"I'm not scared of you." I mouthed.

I wasn't. 

I see his car park behind mine as he slowly comes out of his car, gray sweat pants, a white tank top, and a black zip-up hoodie, he walks up to me, both of us staring at each other. This was the first time we interacted, never once have we ever talked to each other till that night. He added me on Snapchat and I accepted it. I knew what he wanted to ask me, yet I refused to give him anything till we finally got close.

Bad idea.

I stared at him. His lips formed a small shy smile as he extended his hand toward mine.

"Hi, I'm Oscar." I looked down at his large hands.

I knew I met the devil that day, yet I grabbed his hand and smiled back. 

"I'm Roseanne." 

One big step for a butterfly, doing straight to hell.

"Hmm, I've known you for a while now." He slowly let go of my hand and crossed his arms, the lake reflected the light of the moon, it felt like a dream. 

"As you should, many people know me, just I know you for being quite the innocent one." I laughed and sat on the grass, watching him look to the side, and smirked.

"Not everyone is innocent Roseanne, you aren't as well." 

"Estas asustado de mi?" 'Are you scared of me?'  I asked him, I watched his eyes look at me, he chuckled and sat in front of me.

"Of you?" He paused and tilted his head. "Never..." I could feel my heart slowly start speeding. "But you should be scared of me, shouldn't you, Roseanne?"

I wanted to say yes, but who said I was going to be afraid of a boy?

I stood up and looked down at him, I couldn't intimidate him, his eyes were already scaring me, and his relaxed face showed no trace of fear. 

"I'm not going to be afraid of you." My eyes quickly paid attention to the bracelet he was wearing, a black string bracelet with a sun in the middle, I gulped and looked at mine, both of them were the same, he must have known that I was looking at our bracelet because he looked away, touching the middle of the sun as I quickly felt the way the atmosphere changed around us.

I gasped for breath and walked away.

"I need to go," I said, he nodded, running his hand through his hair. 

"I'll stay here, we'll come back here again though, trust me." Again eye contact, this time it was him smiling, while I was trying my best to hold his stare.

"Next time, you'll be scared."


My eyes quickly opened, and I could feel his arms holding me tightly, as I continued to try to catch my breath, it was barely 11 at night, and my mind felt fuzzy. It was all a nightmare, yet my mind kept replaying the scenes as if it happened in real life. 

Doctors told me that memories could start coming back at any minute. But there's no way that my boyfriend would warned me to fear for my life. He's too gentle. Too soft. Too innocent....


Both of our bracelets were in the car the day she crashed. 

It was discovered that she was holding them till she was in hospital, she let the bracelets go.

Doctors picked it up and gave it to me.

I place the bracelets in my car. 

A week later a car would hit mine. Luckily I wasn't in the car. I have to throw away these bracelets.....

Author's note: 

hello there!

yes, there's a POV of Oscar's.

he's currently helping make this book, telling each other's stories, and giving each other a closure of the chapter of our lives that was quite an unexpected experience.

there's also a POV of a person who was in my life, both my best friend and I are discussing the story of hers. it's probably better to let them tell their story as I tell mine. don't show hate nor give negative comments as this is our story that we want to share with others, to learn, and to teach others the way life works.

nothing is perfect. accept it. and move on. 

The Night We MetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora