Chapter Forty-Five *Final*

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Thanks for reading, and being such awesome people! I hope you guys keep up with my other, awesome stories! My Muse, The Villain is my Dabi x Y/N fic that is out.

The second book, 'Uncanny Neighbors', also has the first five chapters out. I hope you guys enjoy the story I'm creating, and the characters! Don't worry, Mari/Former Y/N will be in the second and third book a bit, but we're moving more towards the timeline the anime follows.

Let me know if you guys have any questions. I'm going to do a final read and edit of this book after all the chapters, and extra bits are done, so look forward to that if you're someone (like me) who loves to reread stuff!!

I would also like to state, this last part of the book will take place at the end of book two. You'll see 😉.

***Mentions of Suicide/Suicidal Thoughts***


Hawks was biting his nails, trying to stop from over thinking, but it wouldn't go away. That little girls face was burned into his mind. Hotaru, that's the name you chose. It was perfect. When you texted him, giving a little bit of info, that was the first thing he fell in love with. Hawks surprised himself at how excited he was about having a daughter, but along with that came fear. Fear of not knowing what this would bring along for her, and the possible danger he would be putting her in.

Was it better for him to be absent?

A couple cities over you had been raising her all alone. She looked like she was almost two now, it having been almost two years at this point. How could he have not noticed at least once?

"I'll see you then, 5:00pm," Hawks confirmed through text. He was going over to your place for dinner. His partner was invited, but he didn't want to involve them in this just yet. It was far too much baggage for someone to take on in such early stages of a relationship.

"You okay?" They asked anyway, noting the way Hawks demeanor had shifted.

"Yeah, just going out tonight." He lied. Why did he lie? He knew they would have been understanding, and nonjudgmental, but he still felt the need to hide it. Hide that he was going to see you, and his daughter. "You going to be okay?"

Their bored eyes glanced around the apartment, and shrugged. "Drop me off at home. I'll find something better to do." The tone was harsh, but Hawks knew he deserved it. The distance he had created between the two of them recently was becoming a burden on the relationship. He was fearful of letting it happen again, but he didn't do a single thing to stop it.

"Okay.." Hawks didn't want to argue, at least not yet about it. All he had to do was take them home, and come up with a really good explanation about the entire thing later. No more lying, but god he was praying this wouldn't be too weird of a situation. He had been so careful, but the condom...

Hawks shook his head. He could regret that later, and had to focus on his current partner right then. "I'll miss you," he told them, with a small kiss to the side of their head as he landed in their backyard. "I promise, I'll get this stuff sorted out."

"We said no secrets," They instead said with a huff. "You know what it did to us last time." His chest ached, remembering that night. He wasn't going to let that happen again, but you did attract danger easily. Clashing these two worlds again could be a catastrophe, but something in him was too willing. He couldn't go through his life without knowing this little girl, and he didn't want to have his new partner involved just yet. It didn't seem like the right time.

"I know, I'm sorry." He just apologized again, preparing to head out. "It won't be a secret for long. I promise." They already knew what it was about, his mysterious daughter, but neither had properly talked about it. The distance growing felt like nothing but a waterfall of misery coming down on his partner.

Uncanny Roommates *Hawks x Dabi x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now