Chapter Six [EDITED]

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(hi future author here. I might make this more fucked up sorry i'm editing it a lot)

Anyways, this chapter deals with things such as PTSD and anxiety. I'm going to do my best to put TW in the beginning incase anyone can't read topics like that.

I listened to Mind Over Matter by Young The Giant for this! <3 Hope you enjoy!


When Hawks and you finally said your goodbyes, you shut the door and turned towards your dark apartment. Ismene was still curled in your arms, refusing to move. The air felt a lot more cold than it did the pervious night. The home you'd built up for years now felt unsafe. The man who's name you couldn't remember had found a way into your apartment without you knowing. The red feather behind your ear tickled your cheek again, reminding you that it was there. Despite how annoying you thought the bird man was, you still felt some comfort knowing he was looking out for you. Hawks appeared cocky upon first glance, but somehow he balanced it out well with his need to help people.

You watched as the red flashed past your eyes, and went to rest on the shelf beside your bed. Ismene's eyes followed it too, curious as to what the flying object was. Finally, she jumped from your arms to follow it. Her little paws let her leap easily onto the bed, following it with curious intent.

Now that she was preoccupied, you let your arms stretch high into the air. Moonlight peaked through your window. The sight warmed your skin, almost rejuvenating your senses. A shower was in order, but you couldn't bring yourself to head that way. You stayed, curled in your coat, and crawled onto the bed. You didn't bother to turn off the tv that continued to play. Your eyes stayed on the crack in your curtains, watching the moon. It was still round, and big, but slowly shifting to the next phase.

Once Ismene noticed you were in the bed, curled up and unmoving, she nestled herself into the crook of your knees. Her warmth pulled you back to reality, instead of focusing on the far away rock in the sky. Your body was warm all over, the blanket and layers of clothes beginning to be too much. Still, you didn't move. Every time you thought about getting more comfortable, an image of beady eyes appeared in your mind. The eyes multiplied, turning into crowds of people watching your every move. At first it was only the eyes of your neighbor, boring into you with malicious intent, but slowly they turned to other familiar faces. Your mother, the commission, and the nurses and doctors who poked and prodded you for years.

A hot sweat took control over you. Your hands shook, trying to smooth the loose hairs away from your face. Glancing down at your hand, the sleeve of your coat and sweater were gone. Your wrist and arms were bare. The bed below you was now cool, steel ground. Your eyes grew wide, pupils pinpoint as fear encased you in its hold. All you had on was a tank top and a pair of matching white shorts. Your hair was longer than you had it recently, spiraling all around in a white mess. Red marks lined your ankles and wrist. Before you could try to stand, run from this all too familiar place, your were bound again.

A full moon. It had been a full moon.

Your eyes moved up towards the ceiling as your body was pulled taught. Your arms and legs ached at every joint as the binds held you. Above you, the circular ceiling was beginning to shift. There was a voice from the distance, sounding as if it were coming over an intercom. From the ceiling to the wall directly across from you, there was a group of people. They stayed safe behind thick glass, all either in lab coats or suits.

"When under extreme duress," the voice began, sounding monotonous. "On a full moon the subject will exert a surge of power never before seen by a quirk with similar capabilities."

"Stop!" You cried out, voice breaking at the end. Pain washed over you as the bounds pulled tighter, causing a scream to erupt from your lungs. Sticky tears cascaded down your cheeks, falling to the metal floor below you. The sky was now in full view above you. The moon was comforting, wanting to help you, but there was no way it could. Power surged through your body. Your veins illuminated themselves a bright white. The roots of your hair that had been their natural color were now bleaching themselves white. All color drained from you. Your body glowed a burning white light.

Uncanny Roommates *Hawks x Dabi x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now