Chapter Thirty-Four

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Hey guys, Happy Holidays.

It's a tough time in the world right now, I hope this helps some of you feel better. I didn't celebrate Christmas this year because I'm boycotting big corporations in support of Palestine, and I hope you all do as well. Even if you're not in America, just know, we all can save each other. Now, back to the story ❤️

Be good people.


With a long breath, there was a sizzle as the man took a drag from his cigarette. Hair fell in his eyes, shadowing whatever features he had. A blue glow illuminated the small dark space as his phone buzzed. One single text chat filled the screen. It was from you. Why he hadn't blocked your number yet, he couldn't be sure. The same rush of adrenaline at the sight of your name coursed through him as he tried to nonchalantly unlock the screen.

"I miss you."

That's all the text read.

You didn't even think Dabi would reply. It was a text sent under the influence of drugs and loneliness. Hawks was still gone when you woke up. It was the middle of the night, maybe around three a.m., and the only noise was Ismene's soft purrs. Waking up alone didn't feel good anymore. Self isolation was a curse, and you kept putting yourself back in the pit.

"I miss you too, Kitten"

A surge of happiness danced to your fingertips as you went to type again, but there was already another message.

"You shouldn't be texting me."

But isn't that what both of you wanted? Dabi couldn't handle not knowing. He couldn't handle being away from you without every detail that you were okay.

"Why not?"

You knew the answer, but this game was fun. He was a villain, and that for some reason made you like him more. Heroes have only let you down, even Hawks recently. Dabi didn't, though. He did the only right thing you could think of when Hajime attacked you. He teased you, and wasn't afraid of offending anyone. Fearless, that's what it was.


Dabi didn't respond. You didn't expect him to. You'd already pushed the limits with him, but wanted to keep doing so. You missed him more than you thought possible. Part of it had to be the hydros wearing off, and the grief over taking, but you didn't care.

"I won't leave you alone."

The text was a bit creepy in hindsight, but it didn't matter. You were tired of never getting what you wanted. Always having to be unhappy for the sake of others. Dabi wasn't getting away that easy. You knew what he could be with you and Hawks. This violence didn't have to keep happening, if he would just listen and see.

But Dabi felt the same way about you. This man had a way of disappearing like no other. When he read the words, a smirk appeared at the corner of his lips. He took it as a challenge. If you could find him, then maybe he'd consider giving you an explanation. Maybe then, you'd be the one to understand why he was doing this. He left you on read, tossing his cigarette out the nearby window. 


At some time you fell back asleep. You would have been sure the whole thing was a dream if there wasn't text proof on your phone. Hawks still wasn't back. He said he'd be home in the morning, but as you paced the apartment he was nowhere to be seen. Noon was rolling around, and there wasn't even a text from him. You shot him a quick "you okay?" and then set your phone down on the night stand. Being alone in the men's apartment wasn't uncomfortable at all, but more so just lonely now. You managed to shower, make yourself a snack, but when you glanced at your phone hours later it stayed the same.

Uncanny Roommates *Hawks x Dabi x Reader*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz