Arguments - DreamNotNap

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Is what Sapnap would have said if he was being completely honest.

"No. You can sit," Sapnap said. George nodded and did so, making sure not to sit too close to Sapnap. All Sapnap wanted was for George to wrap his arms around him though. He wanted to be as close as possible, and he could see George shifting uncomfortably at the lack of a body right next to his. His love language has always been physical affection.

"So h-"

"Sorry, c-can I ask one question before you start?" Sapnap asked. He felt bad for interrupting. He felt selfish.

"Of course, a- Nick," George tried to hide his loving smile. He tried to hide the remorse he felt.

"W-where's Clay?" Sapnap asked.

"He's taking a shower. He knew I was coming in here to talk to you, but he's still kind of pissed and felt like he needed to calm himself down just a bit more," George truthfully explained.

"Okay," Sapnap nodded. He just doesn't understand what he did.

"Do you want to ask anymore questions?" George asked.

"Mm-mm," Sapnap shook his head.

"Okay," George nodded. "So- let me just start by saying what Clay said was not okay. He knows how much that hurts you, and he crossed the line. He's really sorry for that." Why can't Dream just apologize himself? "But you have to understand that he's really hurt by what you did. He was upset and reacted in the moment, but that doesn't excuse it. I'm gonna make sure he apologizes to you for that," George promised. Sapnap lightly smiled. He felt a light flutter in his chest at the idea of George being on his side. Maybe not even being on his side necessarily, but at least understanding that Sapnap deserved an apology.

"O-okay," Sapnap nodded.

"But in the end, he's still hurt. You still owe him an apology as well. A big one," George said. He was stern. Not upset or angry, though Sapnap could tell he felt angry at him.

"O-okay. What am I-" the door opened again. There was Dream, still obviously upset, but no where near as angry as he was before. He just seemed... sad.

"Hey baby," George greeted. Sapnap's heart broke just a little bit. He wanted to be his baby.

"Hi, love," Dream sighed. Sapnap wanted to be 'love'. He's always been his love. How come they could love each other but they can't love him? They have always been the sweet ones. That was their dynamic. They were sweet to each other. George would joke about Dream being his favourite, and Sapnap being "competition". It never hurt Sapnap. Never once did he believe those jokes. Never. But now it's starting to become believable. It feels like he has to fight for their love when all he wants is to just be loved naturally. He doesn't want them to be angry anymore, he just wants them to love him.

George could see how Sapnap faltered. He wasn't sure why, but he assumed it was guilt.

"Hey, Nick," Sapnap looked up at Dream.

"Hi Clay," Sapnap said. He looked down, and swallowed a lump in his throat. He felt nauseated just being in a room with both of them. He didn't like that. He just wanted them to be safe again. He wanted to feel safe.


"I'm sorry," Dream apologized.


"I'm sorry for calling you selfish. I crossed a line that I've never crossed, and I never should have crossed. I went too far, you didn't deserve any of that. I was just- it hurt. You really hurt me and I- I don't know. I shouldn't be coming up with excuses. I fucked up on my part, and I'm so sorry," Dream said. A few tears fell throughout his stutters, and all Sapnap wanted to do was wipe them clean from his face and make him feel better. Whatever he did, he'll never do again. He never wants to make Dream cry like this. Ever.

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