"LOOK!" King Shark began giggling like a child as he looked at the others. Deadshot groaned and shook his head upon seeing the man. Boomerang chuckled nervously before freezing in place. Harley was forcing a smile before looking away, trying to hide her face. King Shark, unaware of the effect the man had on the giant fish's teammates, smiled as he looked back up at the hero. "It's the mighty GREEN LANTERN! He's come to save the day!"



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Green lantern. The hero who could make anything he imagines as a construct. The limit is only his imagination. One of the four heroes who formed the Justice League.

"Hi, Green Lantern~ long time no see..." Harley chuckled as she looked up at the superhero. She narrowed her eyes upon seeing his face, noticing the unusual look on his face, specifically the glowing purple eyes that were normally green. "Has your face always been so........bleh?"

"Heh, I was just about to ask you the same thing Quinn. Wait.......Deadshot?" Green Lantern chuckled. His voice was distorted, chilling even. It wasn't normal and it sure as hell wasn't human. With a tug of his right hand, where a glowing ring bearing his insignia was located, Deadshot floated forward for Green Lantern to examine. Deadshot bared his teeth at the Lantern before he floated back to his comrades, the hero chuckling. "Heh, they gotta do somethin' about security at Arkham. Ah, you know what?! I'm in the middle of recon for Brainiac. Let's walk and talk!"


The four of them yelped as Lantern flew away, the constructs making them follow him at incredible. It was like a roller coaster so to speak. Lantern suddenly came to a stop when they reached a skyscraper, letting them get a view of the city below. They could see the military engaging with some unknown enemy, shooting purple beams at the soldiers. But what was concerning was the fact the soldiers were being pushed back.

"Look at that Convicts..." Lantern spoke as he watched several helicopters get shot down by ground fire, purple in color. "Insurgents can't even touch us! Brainiac's gonna—"

"You keep saying 'Brainiac' like it's a thing." Harley choked out after they stopped, spotting several buildings on fire and watching as some helicopters crashed into some of the buildings as well. Lantern turned to face her, eyebrow raised as he hummed. "But it's.......not a thing."

"Brainiac is the one who's finally bringing order to this world. Making a new home for his people. All of this...." Lantern raised his arms and motioned towards the destruction from the alien invasion. He chuckled again. "Soon, this will all be the new planet Colu. That's been my mission for.....what, three weeks now? Well......that and securing loose meta-humans. But looking at the four of you...." Lantern shrugged his shoulders. "...I just don't see the potential. Either way, we'll put you to good use."

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