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Damien was soaked from head to toe with the blood of demons and sinners alike. Not a drop of his own lay on him. He stood amidst a field of mutilated bodies, many of them long dead from wounds that were more than fatal, and many where their bodies were still smoking. There were more corpses laying in the pit of green fire in the center of the doomed establishment, black smoldering skulls and ribcages poking through the plumes of flames. The whole battlefield smelled of death. And more than half of the leader's men were dead.
Damien stood many feet away from the old leader and what was left of his men. No soldier dared to attack him now, now that they have seen what he was capable of. Many of the men still alive were gravely injured, either writhing on the ground, gulping their last dying breaths, or behind the old man, enduring shattered limbs. The only one left unscathed was the rebellion leader.
Damien had been saving him for last.
"Are you willing to give up now?" Damien's voice boomed over the silent clearing, for there was no other sound to block it out besides the groaning of the nearly-dead.
The old man fell silent as his soldiers muttered uncertainty behind him. Damien couldn't make out what they were saying from where he was, but he was sure they were considering admitting defeat.
".... I must say, we have truly doubted your ability, young prince." Stated the leader. Damien snorted.
"It was a fool's choice to rebel against the son of Satan." Damien smirked, recounting the words the old man had stated before the battle began. The leader frowned, his face contorting angrily.
But before the leader could command any other order or spit insults, a winged demon sprite whispered something into the old man's ear, causing Damien to tense in suspicion. The old man seemed to relax and gain composure once the sprite leaned away from his ear. Damien directed his glare to the sprite, who took sight of Damien and retreated to the center of the soldiers with a pathetic squeak.
"....... What did that demon just tell you?" Asked Damien, his voice transformed into something resembling malice from the scowl that formed at his mouth. He had meant to keep his calm and authoritative demeanor, but he could already see the forming of a new plan in the old man's glinting dark eyes.
"Nothing of importance to us. Just about how we could end this peacefully." He sounded pleased. Damien didn't like that. There was nothing pleasant about this situation, not when they were surrounded by the cadaver of dead soldiers.
But at the same time, if there was any chance there would be less bloodshed and for this to be over quicker, that was fine by Damien. Earlier to leave here and find Phillip and for less blood to be on his hands for Phillip to see.
Huh. He wasn't calling Phillip 'Pip' anymore. Probably because Pip was a less sophisticated name than Phillip. It sounded better on the tongue than 'Pip'.
FOR THE LOVE OF SATAN AND ALL THAT'S UNHOLY, STOP THINKING ABOUT PHILLIP FOR ONE GODDAMNED SECOND AND FOCUS ON THE TASK AT HAND!! Damien screamed at himself in his own head. The last time he only focused on Phillip was fresh in his mind, and it resulted in spears pointed at his heart and his first plan being left to rot.
"I'm going to give you 10 seconds to put down your weapons and go back to the River of Styx," Damien said carefully, balancing the words on his tongue. He has hoped that they were up to a peaceful way out of this, but Damien also couldn't risk them having a new, violent plan in mind.
"Nine. Eight. Seven." Damien's brows formed a deep crease on the ridge of his nose, preparing to murder more people if need be. No one from the rebellion seemed to waver while Damien counted down.
"I'm sorry it's come to this, son of Satan." The old man smiled.
Damien didn't know what he meant by that, nor did he care. He would be beyond reasoning when he was done sparing their life and giving them a stab at peaceful conclusions for the rest of their 10 seconds.
"Six. Five. Four." Damien hissed the words, allowing impatient smoke to rise from his mouth, fangs outlining the embers in his throat.
"If you would just give us what we want, we could end this right here and now." Said the leader. This made Damien fill with the necessary rage required to mercilessly kill them all in one fell swoop. Was their new plan just to repeat their original request? How stupid could they possibly be to think that would work?
"Three. Two. One."
Damien lunged forward with the intention of jamming his claws directly into the old man's throat. His hand was about to pierce the wrinkled, delicate flesh of the neck when a single call rang out across the clearing, causing Damien to come to an unsteady halt.
He turned slowly, never moving his hands from their position. His claws were barely a centimeter from causing brutal damage in an instant.
There. On the crest of the hill that bordered the marshy battlefield.
Phillip had a trident spike edged across his throat, though it hasn't pierced him yet. A demon directly behind him had a hold on his wrist and was staring at Damien with cocky malevolence, waiting to see what he would do next while its snake-like tongue flicked in and out of its mouth. Damien was paralyzed, his mind going blank.
"You could give us what we want, or you can have your royal court boyfriend given to you with his head detached from his body. The choice is yours, young prince."
Damien could only move his eyes back onto the leader, his jaw muscles flexing. His brain was muddled with so many feelings slamming into each other into a puddle of confusion.
He was tempted to gouge out the old man's esophagus.
He felt like crying.
And he felt like he should've left Phillip alone since the beginning. That way he wouldn't have had to deal with any of this in the first place.
"Put your hand down, Prince Damien." The old man spoke softly, almost soothing.
Would it be so bad to let them have what they want? If it meant him and Phillip would be left in peace?
   "Damien! Don't do it, I beg of you," Phillip pleaded. As a result, the demon behind him jostled him and blood welled up at Phillip's throat, and Phillip shut up with a choking noise.
No. He wouldn't give them what they wanted.
Wasn't this the whole reason his father has become an incompetent asshole in the first place? Putting his love life above everything else? This whole time, was he slowly just becoming his father?
"Do it. You won't." Damien could feel his whole body slowly turning to molten lava as rage filled every vessel of blood in his body. "Because whether you do or not, I'm going to make sure your second death comes more painfully than your first."
He would never be like his father.


Updating soon ;)

See You in Hell [PIP X DAMIEN] [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora