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Today is the day where we activate our mission. I am waiting outside work seating on the beaches near the parking lot waiting for Nandi to arrive. "Nontobeko" someone is shouting my name wait, that's my Nandipha.

"Nandipha" I shout back when I see her car. I run to it. Yes, that's how I am. I like to run like a kid, and I am clumsy at times. "How are you, my friend?" I hug her. "I am good done crying for a boy and ready to destroy someone' s particulars".

She says that jumping and clapping hands like a kid, she roars the engine to life. I can't wait already. I am feeling that adrenaline rush.

We are at the gate. Oops, we have arrived at the ex trash boyfriends place. Nandi opens the gate with a remote. Yes, the girl is in a relationship here she goes to pack her car. I follow her as she unlocks the main door of his house.

Trust was in the relationship to give each other house keys? I wish to have a boyfriend i can trust too. The door opens, we are met by the bitch herself the one who snacked my friend's man.

You can see through her eyes that uyasaba like she is scared yoh. "Unwanted flies I see" that's my friend seething at her in no time I hear the home wrecker screaming and the popcorn she was eating scattered all over.

Wait what's just happened trying to recover the mean slap Nandi gave her next minute she is ontop of her. No what should I do this is not good. As much as I wanted to ruin his things I didn't want to physically violate anyone.

My friend is going to kill the home wrecker, I start panicking. I try screaming and pulling my friend but she is not having it. "Please pick up a person is dying today." I say ringing Nkanyiso. I have hope in him. He will help mehe loves playing daddy role to me he must use that into good use now.

"Ntobeko, who is dying?" he heard me, so no, hello, baby mxm, but it's okay. "We are in a tragedy. The home wrecker..." I am cut short as I see my friend's hand bleeding. I scream on the phone "Home wrecker? What who is that? he asks confused. I forgot he doesn't know the story."

"My friend....." he cuts me off."I am coming." He hangs up, what how can he come when he doesn't know the address yoo the home wrecker is bleeding yoh I am scared of blood I just cry feeling helpless.

I feel hands covering me what who is hands is this? It is so calming and his voice when he shush me, it is like a melody. I feel like I can just hold his jacket for dear life. Wait, the noise has toned down. "Is she dead?"

I ask the man who is holding me, but he just keeps quiet. Maybe he is deaf, I think to myself. I wish i can forget the world and enjoy his warm embrace a little longer she won't die, will she. I stand up and move from him as I hear my brother calling me coming from the other room.

The mess is still proof that people were fighting plates were flying. Everything is just a mess. I see my brother walking with Nandi. I guess she is okay now. Oh my gosh I am a bad friend I was busy in man's jacket forgetting about my bestie.

I quickly walk to her and hug her. She hugs me back. This is good right she is not mad at me. After the long hug, i finally breathe out. "Thank you, Daddy." I squint my eyes. I call him that when I want something or when I don't want him to be angry at me.

At this point, I call him that because I don't want him to be angry at me. He looks at me and clicks his tongue. I guess he is mad, shame, tough luck. "Come here," he says that smiling, opening his arms for a hug he is smiling, no correction he is not mad at me a good luck I have.

I jump on him. "Ntobeko man stop acting like a kid," he hisses, but nonetheless, I hug him, and he kisses my forehead. after him and his friend say their goodbyes and orders us to clean the mess since it was made by us, yooh.

But his friend,the one who was calming me down come on did I say my colleague Mr Mabaso is tall, chocolate and all that? No scratch that this man right here is an Alpha damn. I can totally see his abs as he moves. He has flawless skin, clean and neat. His eyes are hypnotic.

His aura is dark and cold. He demands respect without talking more of my brother's. "I saw you sneaky head nxa." I say to Nandi after bringing myself to present and I'm pissed now. I saw her she thinks I didn't.

She looks shocked by the serious pissed face I am wearing right now. "You take me for a fool. I saw you lusting on my brother Nandi. You just got hurt by this gender! Come on, he is my brother for heaven sake boundaries man."I leave to look for a mop and a broom.

"Here take," that's Nandi handing me a mop and a broom. "I am sorry, friend. I don't know what came over me, but he is hot damn". I give her a mean look she laughs. "I am joking Babes boundaries" she says . I am glad you know I say under my breath.

You pick these things up. I sweep, and you mop "ahhh" she heaves a breath, wanting to sulk. I stop her. "No no Nandi this was not our plan, so girly woman up, if that's correct or should I say man up?" I tell her more like forcing her to get the point. "Whatever," she says.

We stop cleaning and look at each other. We crack up in laughter. "Damn you are crazy dog girl. Where is the home wrecker?" I ask clapping hands for her. "Oh, your brother asked, actually demanded her to run and take a taxi to the hospital," she says.

I am not surprised my brother can do that. Then i remember, Snap I saw Nandi and my brother walking out from the same room. I give her a mean look, she gets it soon she corrects me. "No we didn't do anything he was cleaning my hands.

The room we were in is the emergency room where the ex trash boyfriend put his first aid apparatus hence the bandange" she says as she sees my bewildered face. The bandage, I didn't see it. I did say I am a bad friend.

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