Frenemies (Kam) Human College AU

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Hey, I'm considering making a similar one for sokeefe, you tell me if you want that

Human AU

Keefes pov

Keefe woke up earlier than normal, and it was because of a very... strange dream. There was a normal nightmare template, save all close friends or save love interest, but instead of love interest, it was Tam, maybe it was trying to show him that he didn't hate him as much and considered him a friend, yeah, that's what it was.

He tried to shake off the weird dream, as it had kind of freaked him out because he doesn't like Tam, he doesn't wanna be friends, just frenemies like they are now, it's easier. He got out of bed, carefully styling The Hair™. As he finished his careful styling, he checked the time and- oh my god it was four in the morning and he couldn't go back to bed, he just styled The Hair™ and it'll get messed up, so of course, he started being a responsible college student and... plays video games for two hours. Once he has done that and is starving, he gets up goes to the he kitchen, and finds his roommate there.

"Why hello, lovely to see you, Tammy Boi! Why are you up so early this fine day?"

"I would pay for you to shut up right now."

"Awww, don't be like that Tammyyyyy." He walked up and tried to hug Tam who started immediately squirming and trying to push him off.

"Go away,, you idiot." He said as he managed to push Keefe off of him, Keefe was a few inches taller than Tam so it wasn't easy for him to push Keefe off.

Keefe's reaction was to be... completely offended. Duh.

"IdIoT?! WhAt?! I aM a BrIlLiAnT cHiLd!"

Tam sighed and muttered "It's too early for this." and said loudly "I'm going somewhere else, don't follow me." He glared at Keefe while he said that.

Keefe, decided, because of previous events, to leave him alone, much to his own annoyance, and he watched Tam leave the kitchen. Even though Tam was quite a bit shorter than him, he was very intimidating, he wouldn't stop playing emo music loudly for a week after he followed him the last time he said that! He knew that pushing Tam's boundaries further would only lead to more his dorm being a mess and his sleep schedule being even more chaotic. As he looked away and started to have his own breakfast, Keefe realized that maybe there was more to that weird dream, as the way he acted may have seemed normal to Tam, but the way he felt about them was different.

After a moment of thought, Keefe decided that obviously it just meant he was okay with them being friends and not just frenemies. As he ate, he couldn't shake off the odd dream and encounter with Tam. Maybe there was some truth to the dream's message about their relationship. Was it possible that he felt he should be friends with Tam, he couldn't get that idea out of his mind, although it felt close it clearly wasn't it, not quite. Lost in thought, Keefe finished his breakfast and made a mental note to not piss Tam off as much later, otherwise he'll be in hell on earth for a good month.

Keefe went through the day quite normally, and although he seemed like the kind of person who wouldn't go to class... he didn't normally but did sometimes which is something. He went to his class, which was art history, it wasn't a class he enjoyed too much, but sometimes it would be pretty interesting and he took inspiration from some stuff they learned about. After that, he had a pretty long break between classes, so he went to grab something to eat, a normal.... sad in comparison to what he ate when he was younger, but he was still very glad to be out of there.

Keefe grew up in a rich household, but his life wasn't good there. He was constantly belittled and was a victim of emotional abuse, and it had impacted him greatly. He couldn't assume that people really cared about him, he always thought that people were going to turn on him, and he just couldn't trust anybody. But, Keefe's childhood seemed quite nice compared to Tam's. Tam grew up for the first 10 years with his twin sister in an abusive household that tried to trick them into thinking they were not twins. Keefe wasn't entirely sure why twins were so bad where Tam was from, but he preferred not to ask. Then at 11 years old Linh, his twin sister, accidentally destroyed public property, she was then abused greatly, and Tam decided to run away with her so they could live better. The worst part was, while they were doing that, it was better, the rich household was worse than living on the streets. Eventually, Keefe's close friend Sophie found them at high school, and she befriended them and later invited them to live in her parents' spare room.

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