Two- Dannie

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*Author's note: This chapter and last are around 2000 words. Is this too long? I personally hate short chapters. Let me know what you think.*

Walking down the hall, I felt like garbage after my restless sleep. I banged on Matt's door, just to be a pest, and was rewarded with the answering thud of Matt falling out of bed. I snickered as he grumbled he was up. Harassing him was one of my favourite pastimes and a way to show my caring and appreciation for him. If it was not for Matt convincing his dad to foster me, I am not sure where I would be. He was a great best friend, not that I would tell him that.

In the kitchen, John was at the helm of the stove, with his work shirt clad back facing me. Beside his elbow, sat a plate of cooked bacon, and I swear my mouth watered. Slipping closer, I reached for a piece, but before my fingers were graced with the greasy goodness, John smacked them away. I groaned in defeat, "Damn it, John, I was just going to grab one piece."

"Sure kid, you say one piece, and before we know it, you will just be munching bacon, never mind the eggs I made," he pointed towards the table with a spatula. John eyed me over and raised his brow skeptically, "You look like crap kid." I responded by crossing my arms and glaring. "Hey, you know what I mean. Didn't sleep well or something?" he smirked playfully

"I slept like shit obviously, so thank you for the lovely compliment," I chaffed to John. I enjoyed our banter, but this morning, food was higher on my priority list. Moving towards the pile of fluffy eggs, I eagerly deposited myself in the chair.

John barked back laughing, his olive face wrinkling around his eyes as he flipped the bacon sizzling in the pan. "Well, I call it how I see it, kid, and those bags under your eyes look big enough to be used as a safety device. What time do you work today?"

I snorted into my eggs and shook my head at John's sad excuse for a joke. I sighed, "I work at eight this morning, relieving Debby from the night shift at the diner."

John smiled at the mention of Debby, faint lines forming around his thin lips, and his cobalt blue eyes sparkling. He handed me two travel cups of much needed coffee, "One for you and give Debby the other with my regards."

Reaching across the counter, I pulled one cup of heaven under my nose and breathed deep. I revelled that first sip, John had made it just the way I liked it; strong with a touch of sugar and cream. His jokes may be questionable, but he made a good cup of coffee. "When do you work today?" I inquired.

John finished up the bacon and brought a heaping plate over to the table. Sitting across from me, at his own plate of poached eggs, he glanced at his watch, "Matt and I will be leaving for the mill in about thirty minutes, Finally got him on the clean up crew and out of that dead end cashier job. Was Matt awake when you went by his room?"

John looked up, waiting for me to answer as I was inhaling the bacon from my plate. I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just famished, and now I was trying to rapidly chew the salty goodness to answer. After trying to respond and almost having food fall from my mouth, I gave up, just nodding at John. He shook his head at me, turning to his plate of food, eating while flipping through the morning newspaper. His dark blue eyes focused, and muscles flexed as he brought the food to his mouth. He absently ran his large calloused hand through his short, sandy blonde hair before throwing more food in his mouth.

I had known John since I was five, but even I could admit he was a good-looking guy. He was buffer than a dad bod, but a solid build born from hard labour.

I zoned our watching John and eating my food, failing to notice Matt's approach. I ended up losing a forkful of eggs when he pulled a chair out and startled me. "So, first day at the mill, eh?"

Nemelatro: Dawning (Rough Draft)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora