Unimportant Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

Xander stared into your watery eyes for a moment longer and then stepped out of the car. He came around and helped you out, then walked you to your door. This was usually the part where he would give you a soft kiss on the cheek, make sure you got inside safely, and then leave before he could make an ass of himself by banging on your door and telling you he loved you. Tonight was different, though. He wasn't sure if he would be able to see you before he left and once he was gone, it would be months before he could make it back stateside. He pulled you into a hug and rested his head on top of yours as your arms wove around his waist.

"Talk to Bucky and work things out. He made a dumb mistake. He loves you and I know he never wanted you to leave." Xander whispered into your hair.

"How do you know that?" You whispered back.

"Because he looks at you the same way I do...and leaving you is going to kill me, sweetheart."

You leaned back to gaze up at Xander who had a small smile on his face. His brows were dipped low over his eyes as he tried not to show the sadness that was taking over him. His hands moved up your back and he took your face in his hands as he stared down at you. Your lips parted when his eyes locked on your mouth. Xander leaned down and kissed you sweetly. Shock reverberated through you as his lips moved against yours slowly. You kissed him back, wishing once again that he could be the man you were in love with. His kiss was nice, but it didn't light a fire in you like Bucky's did.

"Make sure Bucky treats you right this time, Y/n." Xander whispered against your lips then let his forehead rest against yours.

"I will." You replied.

"Good, because if he doesn't then I'll have to come sweep you off your feet and take you back to London with me." He said, trying to lighten the mood.

"You better." You laughed lightly.

"Goodbye, sweetheart." Xander said as he let his thumb trace your bottom lip.

He stepped backwards with his eyes still locked on you before turning and walking to his car. Your voice floated behind him telling him goodbye and his heart twisted in his chest. Xander climbed into his car and pulled onto the street. As he drove he fought the urge to turn around so he could kiss you one more time. At the end of your street he re-routed himself and drove in the opposite direction of his home. There was one last thing he needed to do before heading home to begin packing.


Xander pulled up outside the Avengers compound and parked directly in front of the building. He wasn't expecting to be there long, so there was no use in parking. It was late in the evening and the main entrance was already locked up, but there was an intercom to the side of the door. He pressed the button and waited, getting a response within seconds.

"How may I help you?" A female voice asked.

"I need to speak to James Barnes." Xander said.

"Please wait for one moment while I check to see if he's available."

Xander shoved his hands in his pockets as he waited, contemplating if this was a good idea or not. He couldn't leave without making sure Bucky knew exactly how bad he had fucked up and that if he hurt you again, Xander wouldn't hesitate to come back and make sure he never did it again. After about ten minutes, Bucky appeared at the front door. The lock clicked and Bucky opened the door with a scowl on his face.

"Mr. Barnes, Mr. Rogers asked if you needed assistance." The same female voice that greeted Xander asked from over a speaker.

"No, FRIDAY. I'm fine for now. I'll let him know if I need him." Bucky said, then turned his attention to Xander. "Where's Y/n?"

"She's at home." Xander replied.

"What do you want?" Bucky asked, voice icy and hollow.

"I need to talk to you." Xander said, copying Bucky's tone.

"If you're here to tell me to stay away from her, I won't. I've been looking for her since she left and I'm not letting her go again."

"That's not why I'm here." Xander sighed and rubbed his hand across his forehead. "Listen, Y/n still loves you. I don't know why after the way you treated her, but she does. I'm just here to tell you that. I also wanted to tell you that you need to be honest with her tomorrow. No bullshit, just straight facts. If you want a second chance with her, tell her the truth. Tell her why you really isolated yourself from her. She deserves that much. Don't you agree?"

The animosity in Bucky's eyes faded away as he listened to Xander speak. He was expecting Xander to threaten him, to tell him to leave you alone, but he never expected this.

"She does deserve the truth and that's what I plan on giving her tomorrow." Bucky said, his tone softer and less angry.

"Good. Y/n is important to me and I won't let you hurt her again." Xander's voice still had an edge to it, but it was notably less forceful than before.

"She's important to me, too. She always has been." Bucky said, a hint of defensiveness in his tone.

"Then show her." Xander growled in irritation. "Because if you don't love her the way she deserves, then I'm willing to."

Bucky's lips pressed into a hard line as he stared at Xander. He had to give him props, he was facing down a super soldier who could kill him by barely lifting a finger and there wasn't even the tiniest amount of fear in his eyes. The man standing in front of him really did love you. He wasn't saying it just to piss Bucky off. Xander loved you so much in fact, that he was willing to let you go so you could try and work things out with the man you were in love with.

That thought gave Bucky pause. That's how he should have loved you the entire time—whole-heartedly and doing whatever he could to ensure your happiness. He swore to himself that if you gave him a second chance, he'd love you like that. He'd do whatever it took to make sure he didn't lose you again.

"I made a mistake, but I want to fix it. If she gives me another chance, I'll never make her feel unwanted again." Bucky said with conviction.

Xander stared at Bucky, assessing his words. It seemed like he was being sincere so Xander stiffly nodded at him.

"Don't hurt her again, Bucky. I don't think you'll get another chance if you do." Xander said before turning and leaving the compound.

Bucky stared after him, watching his car take off into the night. He couldn't blame Xander for falling in love with you. Bucky knew first hand how easy it was to love you and how quickly he could lose you. He wiped his hand down his face and scratched at the stubble of his beard then retreated to his room. He needed to get his thoughts in order and prepare for one of the most important conversations he would ever have.

A/N: There will be two endings to this story. When I first posted it, some readers wanted a Xander ending, so he's getting his own happy ending. Next part coming soon.

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