Ok, Ik I just did an A/N note but...

137 3 1

Is it just me, or do you guys lose interest fast? 
(I'm also doing state tests soon so I'm ✨️studying✨️so I can get the highest score in class. Yes, I am that competitive)

Cuz, you look at the views for the first few chapter and they're like, 400. Whoop! But as you get further down the line, people are clearly losing interest. 

Or maybe I'm being insecure about my writing.

Yeah, it's probably the latter. 

ANYWAYS, I just want to know. How can I make this story... more compelling. I have big plans on Katie's bigger flaws. At first, I wanted to show her as a perfect person with a bit of sarcasm and other things. But as I introduce her backstory (EX: added a little bit of rain), I wanted to show her flaws more clearly. And why she's like that. 

But I don't know. I can't seem to get this point across. I picture Katie as a smarter version than me, her backstory is pretty much the same as mine. Except the genius part. I get my own  insecurities from different shit. 

I want to convey how flawed she is, but I just can't seem to write the right scenerio. Hence, the slower and fewer updates. 

I want to know, to those who are still with me here. 

What can I do better with Katie? And how she deals with the different problems in the show. How can I, the author, make this story interesting so people don't drop the story and my delicate (non-existent) pride along with it? 

Please tell me, I really need criticism from people other than my brother who just so happens to think my writing is and I quote, "You can't imagine how cringy your story is, Thi" (I'm vietnamese, deal with it)

I really need help! Peer review is something I desperatly need. I'm trying to make more scenes but it doesn't fit with the ending and turn out I'm aiming for. 

I have a writer's block which I can't get rid of.

Well, since barely anyone's going to read this I don't really need to say toodles.


Different person, same Ladybug 🐞Where stories live. Discover now