Chapter 12: Wait, don't I need that?

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I transform, do I hear theme music playing? 

Anyways, I leap towards Adrien's house. Just in time for slow dancing. With my ladybugs that I can use for not only transportation but as a tool as well, I pull his bubble stick thing out. 

This one was easy.

The ladybugs hand it to me and I snap it in half. The purple butterfly flying out. 

"Sorry for being such a party pooper!" I call over to the students and bubbler. At that, the students cheer. 

"No more evil doing for you, little akuma." I call the ladybugs to me and they surround the butterfly, a string of red from my hand. "Time to de-evilize!"

When the ladybugs let go, the butterfly is white. Pure, so to speak.

I hit it with my hand and kill it. Stomping on it after it hit the ground.

"Die! Nasty bug!" I say, some giggled, some confused, and some outraged. 

I shrug. And leave. 

I need to do my lucky charm too. But just before I summon it, I hear someone following me. I whip around, "Who's there?" 

Chat Noir peeks his head out from behind the effiel tower. I roll my eyes, "So, NOW you come." He just shrugged, "Had something to do." I scoffed, yeah, you totally had something to do. Something as in you were partying. I had to go through the stress of figuring out a plan BY MYSELF. 


I didn't say any of my rant out loud. But I wanted to. 

I sighed. Whatever. 

"Mhm, well, as you can see I have everything under control." I say, unamused. Chat hopped from one foot to another, seeming to be in a hurry. I raised a brow. "What's up, Cat boy?" He just shook his head. "Ok," I shrugged and summon a lucky charm. Rather than what it was before (sigh), it was a paper with my/Mari's address. I assume I was supposed to give this to Chat for whatever reason, so I crumple it up and throw it far, far away. 

Wait, don't I need that?

I decided to end it on that note because I was quickly losing motivation to write more..... idk

Different person, same Ladybug 🐞Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum