Planning with an unwelcome visitor.

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"-The ball had to be cancelled of course, I'm good but I'm not that good. The staff have all been warned but they would have been working late anyway because of the ball. The wedding will be late, I hope you don't mind....." Lance's voice finally trailed off, his chocolatey cold eyes on me. I nodded with a slightly strained smile. We had been at this for at least two hours already. Lance was doing all the heavy lifting, only asking me to "sign here" or "which of these colours do you prefer?" It scared me though, planning out one of the most momentous days of my life. Lance seemed to sense this, he was much gentler than usual, it was unnerving. Lance picked up three different silks, green, blue and red. "Which-" He was interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. We had returned to Lance's office, for privacy of course, and also because Lance is running this wedding at the moment. This is out of my expertise. His too now I think about it. He surveyed me, eyebrow raised. He strode to the door, opening it with a gloved hand. The cocky smirk of one Duke Sky met him. Lance tensed, closing the door slightly so Sky wouldn't see me. It was too late though, our eyes locked before Lance angled himself in the way. "What is it you want, sir," Lance's voice has a dismissive undertone Duke Sky doesn't catch. "Oh, if it isn't the Lady's favourite butler, step aside." His voice was silky smooth but with an edge he never talked to me with. Lance bristled. "This is my off-" I placed a hand on Lance's shoulder. He paused, eyes on me. As cold as ever but an eyebrow raised, questioning. I nodded. Lance stepped aside without a word, turning back to the samples of silk as if nothing happened. He was still tense though. Sky strutted in, his hand found mine, no kiss this time. He leaned down slightly, we were eye level. "Thought I'd drop by, help with the difficult choices," Lance turned back to face us, nodded. But his eyes stayed on our intertwined hands for a second too long.

Turns out to nobodies surprise Duke Sky doesn't care what colour the curtains are to be, or the tablecloths. He seems to be an expert however, in annoying the hell out of Lance. Mocking him for every little thing. Lance's voice grew colder and more clipped. Duke Sky's eyes sparkled playfully and I was so busy contemplating the next day that I didn't notice until my eyes caught the side of Lance's glove. A sliver of his pale skin was poking out between his shirt and glove, as he fidgeted with the fingers of his right glove endlessly, pulling at them gently. Lance is as you're aware, nothing short of uniform everyday. Duke Sky's little digs are getting to him though. His brows have furrowed a fraction, a fraction, but a fraction more than usual nonetheless. "Lance," Duke Sky stopped his endless rambling. Lance's eyes followed mine to his hands. He fixed his glove, and adjusted his glasses with his right hand, eyes on me. "Yes my Lady?" Sky barked out a laugh. "Yes my Lady!" He mocked, chuckling. Lance just raised an eyebrow. I shot Sky a glare before saying. "Can you finish without the duke and I? I'd like to go on a walk and I don't see why you should stay with me not present, my Duke," He nodded, standing. If Lance was anybody else his shoulders would have slumped in relief. "Alright my Lady, sleep well tonight." He stated. He stood as I did, taking my hand and kissing it softly. Neutrally. His lips were cold. Duke Sky stiffened, taking Lance by the forearm and pushing him back, a hand on his chest. "Don't kiss another mans fiance, butler." Lance just nodded. My left hand traced the right where Lance had kissed. "It was custom-" Sky interrupted me. "I don't care," The faintest outline of a sneer graced Lance's features. "How dare you interrupt our Lady-" Sky laughed. "She'll be My Lady tomorrow and you should watch your mouth peasant," Lance's gloved hand twisted into a fist. "I'll have you know-" A knock on the door interrupted the conversation. Duke Sky dropped his hands from Lance. Lance dusted off his suit, going to the door. 

"Why hello there,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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