The Announcement.

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~This book is loosely based on Kings Choice the game. You don't need to have played it to read! Enjoy~

"The world can be engulfed in flames for all I care I will not be marrying that bastard," My voice was cold as ice, pointed, direct. It was a facade. A game. A play. But it didn't matter how hard I tried to twist words into weapons, it wouldn't work. Not for this.

We were all sitting round a table, the five of us. I surveyed each one of these people with a bored expression but it was another facade. Layers upon layers so no-one could possibly see the real me. To my left, Jake. A loyal knight who had served my father valiantly until his demise. Jake looked around mid thirties, the wrinkles on his face told stories of things I couldn't even think up. Horrors he had faced in his time as a knight, horrors he will continue to face. Next to him was the messenger from Duke Sky of Halfcastle. Said messenger, I shan't grace him with a name, was shaking in his boots, face ashen. Watching the scene with interest was Tristan, the kings son. He was a peculiar fellow. He drank himself silly every night. He was a joker, a fool. But the light in his eyes was gone, died a long time ago. His father was a terrible king, with unjust laws and violent tendencies. My father had welcomed Tristan into our home after he rebelled against his father and was stripped of his status as prince. I never did find out what he did. 

To my right, Lance. He was the most intriguing of all. He was around the same age as me, twenty, give or take a few years. His face was pale, dark circles weighing heavy under his eyes. He wore glasses, fixed quite stiffly atop his nose. His brown hair was always gelled back, not a hair out of place. I don't think I've seen him smile since I arrived. His voice is smooth but always icy, always emotionless, neutral. He was my father's and now my administrative official. Now he was shuffling his notes, one eyebrow raised as he watched me with an unimpressed expression. He turned to the messenger from Duke Sky. "You may leave." The messenger gave a shaky bow and left, scurrying away. I stood, hands splayed on the table. "I cannot marry Duke Sky, I will not." Tristan stepped forward, face ashen. "She doesn't have to does she?" He shoots Lance a pleading look. Lance just shook his head. "It's the only way you can increase your state power. It's just an arranged marriage, I'm sure you can both come to your own agreements about the details." Lance stood. "If you'll excuse me ma'am I must tend to my duties." Lance left without another word. 

Jake was shaking his head, his hands fidgeting endlessly. "I'm sorry ma'am," He said, voice ragged. I nodded in acknowledgement. "I suppose it must be done. Do we know when he is arriving?" Jake shrugged. "I don't." Tristan came  closer. "Next week," I gave him a piercing look and Jake's eyes narrowed. "How do you know Tristan?" Jake asked, turning to face the man in question. At that Tristan smiled, but it was bitter. "People thinks is safe to gossip when they think you're drunk," Jake just nodded then turned back to me. "Please excuse me ma'am," I nodded and shot Jake a thin lipped smile. He left the room. Tristan was shaking his head sadly. "What?" I asked, voice sharp. Tristan glanced up. "It's a pity you're to be wed," I sighed. "Yes, I suppose so. It was inevitable." Tristan nodded, I could almost see the cogs in his head turning. "Yes well, good day ma'am," I inclined my head. "Good day," He left, leaving me alone in the room. I turned to the window, it was raining lightly, a drizzle on a summers day. "My choice is silenced by the louder voices of those I don't even know," I mumbled, anger boiling in my veins. "Is that so ma'am?" A cold voice called out. "Lance,"

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