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After escorting Duke Sky to his room, I made my way to the Interior Ministry, where I knew Lance and the others would be waiting. As I entered, Jake stood and made his way to me. Lance was pacing the length of the room, while reading over some files, never one to miss out a second of work. His eyes snapped to me when I entered, then darted back to his file, but he sat down now at his desk, signing the file with a quill and a flourish. Tristan was looking out the window, a forlorn expression on his face. His eyes didn't leave the window. He was at the opposite side of the room from Lance's desk. It seems they haven't made up yet. I would have noticed more if it wasn't for Jake's burly frame blocking my view. His brows were furrowed, concerned. "How was it?" I smiled gently. "Lance won't have to cover up any murders," Jake's face cleared to a content smile and Tristan looked away from the window to shoot me a smile. Lance didn't look up, busy with his work. "Did you arrange a date for the wedding so I can clear you schedule?" Tristan walked over to Lance, picking up the file in front of him and dangling it in front of him. "Lighten up Lance, our lady is speaking," He teased, and Lance nodded at him, acknowledging his forgiveness. Still no smile it seemed. Lance then turned to me, his razor sharp gaze softening. "How did it go, really?" I smiled. "He's quite full of himself, and acts like a lady's man. I'm sure he'll be easy to please," Everyone's faces broke into smiles, except Lance, who opted to take the file back off of Tristan who pouted. I walked towards the duo. "Also Lance, I want to plan a ball," Lance nodded, taking out his notebook. "For when ma'am?" "Tonight." Lance raised an eyebrow. "That's not possible," "Why not Lance?" "Well paperwork for one-" Tristan scoffed. Lance sent him a glare. "People is another, we can host a banquet tonight and a ball tomorrow night?" Jake clapped his hands together. "Brilliant," Lance turned to me to ensure it really was "brilliant." I nodded and Lance gave a grimace. "I'll send out invitations now," He left the room with confident strides. Tristan sat in Lance's chair, putting his feet up on his desk. Jake pushed his feet off the table and sat on it, making sure to move all the important documents out of the way first. I walked over to them, surveying the scene with a fond smile. "Lance won't be happy about this," Tristan smiled. "What Lance doesn't know won't hurt him," I remembered myself. "I have duties to attend to, good day gentleman," The two nodded in acknowledgement as I turned to leave the room. 

Lance approached me in my office much later, a pile of documents in hand. He knocked before entering and opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself. "You're not ready," I sighed and shot Lance a short smile. "What do you want Lance?" Lance shook his head. "Unimportant. The ball is in an hour, you must get ready," I stood. "I am well able to make my own decisions thank you very much," A knock on the door broke the tension in the room. "Ma'am, you must get ready," Jake said, as he opened the door. He shot Lance an annoyed look. "Were you trying to get her to do paperwork?" Lance made his way to the door but gave us one glance before he left with the pile of documents. "In my defence I thought she'd be ready," He closed the door behind him. Jake turned back to me once Lance was gone. "He was right though, you do need to get ready," I nodded. Jake inclined his head then left the room. 

I had to hand it to Lance, he was amazing at his job. The banquet was lavish and there were many guests, I spotted Duke Sky talking to other nobles, elderly men who were talking slowly. He wasn't even trying to hide his boredom. On seeing me enter his face broke into a smile. He excused himself quickly and made his way to me. "My lady," He kissed my hand with the same confidence as last time. "You look ravishing," I forced a smile. "Thank you," Jake approached us, although Duke Sky was wearing the same clothes as he was when he got here, Jake had changed and was now wearing a plain red suit, much brighter than his usual grey attire. "Ma'am," He turned to face the Duke. "Sir," The duke shot him a toothy grin. Jake gave the same one back. "If you'll excuse me and the lady, I have been meaning to catch up with her," The Duke simply nodded, already looking at the door where a group of noble women showing much too much skin had appeared. I rolled my eyes as I allowed Jake to lead me away. Jake's smile had faded to a concerned frown. I looked around the crowed room, taking in the sights and smells. Tristan was standing by a banquet table, a wine bottle in his hand and other bottles in front of him. A lady was hanging off his other arm but he wasn't paying her any attention. Jake led me past Tristan, who hadn't noticed us. "Have you seen Lance?" Jake asked. I gave the room a quick scan, but saw no piles of documents or books at any table, a tell tale sign of Lance. I didn't exaggerate when I said he never missed a second of work. I shook my head at Jake, my forced smile fading to an annoyed frown. "Where is he?" Jake shrugged. "I can send someone to get him, he probably fell asleep at his desk again-" I interrupted. "Again? Why was I not made aware of this?" Jake winced. "He made me vow not to tell a soul, it was just after your father's passing and before you came back from your travels to take over. He took over everything on top of his usual, couldn't handle the pressure, kept falling asleep," I nodded, digesting the information and storing it away for a later date. "I'll get him," Jake seemed surprised but doesn't comment. "Alright, if that's your wish." He bowed his head and walked away, most definitely going to scold Tristan on etiquette if he was sober enough to form coherent sentences. I gave the room a quick glance, making sure nobody was watching me. The host leaving the banquet was seen as quite rude. Duke Sky was still busy with those girls, one on each arm. Tristan was leaning on Jake heavily, face ashen. Jake was scolding the woman who had been hanging off Tristan quite thoroughly, her face beetroot red. Nobody even glanced my way as I left the banquet, making quick strides to the Interior Ministry where Lance was sure to be.  

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