Chapter 11: Oh, we'll play.

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I wake up and groan. If I have to be ladybug again, I'm killing myself. That shit is fucking hard to do.

I get ready for the day and walk down the stairs, a gift in hand. Yes, I did prepare a gift for Adrien. He's not a terrible guy, he's just dense. I made a drawing. Although I didn't have the, "fashions skills" Mari had, I did draw pretty well. So, I drew him a nice portrait. 

"Marinette, don't forget to clean your room after school today" Mom said. Well, I should address her a Sabine in my head but who cares.

 "Got it mom! It might be a little late since Nino is planning a surprise birthday for Adrien." 
(The way Marinette responds is kinda mean, I changed it bc of that)

Sabine/mom chuckles. "Ok, just make sure to clean it after. Ok?" I nodded, and hugged her. 
"Have a nice day, mom" Sabine chuckled, hugged back and said, "Ok, sweetie." At this I waved and walked back. 

I walked to school since it is literally around the corner. Alya stopping me, "So, what do you have there?" She pointed to my gift to Adrien. I shrugged, "A gift for Adrien." Alya, clearly assuming wrong things, grinned slyly, "Ooooh, do you like him?" I shuddered a little. Although he is handsome, he isn't my type. 

"No, why do you ask" I look at her with my, I am tired and don't want to be here, eyes. Alya shrugged, "I just think you guys would make a great couple, besides, it's pretty clear that he-"

"That's enough!" I say, covering her mouth. I messed up the story enough, there has to be a love square. Instead it's just a blonde boy with unrequinted love.

Hope my bae, Kagami, can come sooner rather than later.

I walk up to Nino and Adrien, gift in hand. "Heyyy..." I say awkwardly. I can never gift things correctly. 

"So, um, I heard it was your birthday Adrien." Adrien blushed, like full on blushed. 

"Y-you know my birthday?" I sigh, "Yeah, heard it from someone." He blushed again, geez. I rub the back of my head. "Anyways, I was going to-" I started to hand him my gift when Chloe RUDELY pushed me to the side. 


 "Happy Birthday Adrien!" Chloe says with a sugary sweet tone. She starts sexually harrasing the poor boy. Hugging and kissing him, it was a mess. I, the kind person I am, says, "Chloe get off of the poor boy. Not only did you not ask for permission, but you are now harasssing him" I pull her off of Adrien. 

Since Adrien is a good person, he ignores the sexual harassment. "Thanks Chloe..." He looked at me with disappointment. His eyes flickering from the gift to me. 

Aww, he wanted to receive my gift! Aren't I so awesomeness?

I smiled at him, shook my head, and mouthed, 'I'll give it to you later.' I'm so coolness.

He smiled at me and nodded, giving me a thumbs up as he ignores the balathering Chloe was doing on why he didn't get her gift.

Once Chloe leaves, a white limo comes in. Adrien looks at me and Nino with sad eyes. "Gotta go, photoshoot." He waves bye and gets in the car. 

We then walk to Adrien's house (DON'T THEY HAVE SCHOOL?????) and I ring the doorbell. 

The creepy camera thing that reminds me of the dancing cookies from minions answers. I clear my throat. "Hey, I'm K- I mean I'm Marinette. I wanted to give Adrien this." 

Alya looks at me with confusion probably because I almost said my real name and also because I knew to ring the doorbell first.

"Ok" I hear Natalie's voice say, "Drop it here." The mail box opens, but I pull out a sharpie and I sign the portrait wrapped in ribbon. I wrote on the back: To Adrien, Hope your birthday is full of love, from Mari ❤️. 

The heart totally won't cause some misunderstandings of my feelings. Totally. 

I drop the thing in the bin and me and Alya walk back to school.  (DO THEY STILL NOT HAVE SCHOOL)

(Time skip bc in the show nothing happens that's important from Mari's view)

I'm eating my food like a normal person when my mom opens the window. Suddenly a bubble comes in from behind her and she gets trapped!

"Mom!" I run towards her, trying to grab her. But it was too late. I then see dad fly up too! 

So, you decided to come back.  Huh, hawky? 

You wanna play this game? 
Oh, we'll play.

Different person, same Ladybug 🐞Where stories live. Discover now