Chapter 136: Serious Conversation

Start from the beginning

"His Majesty was very discreet during his days as a Prince, believe it or not; most of the spotlight was centered around Her Majesty, so he was usually overlooked. However, whenever His Majesty took to the stage and did something, it would be something very significant that caught the attention of the entire OverRealm. One such time was when he killed the fiance of the current Patriarch of the Dragon Clan; when word got out about what he did, it caused a storm in the OverRealm. Considering not only was she the fiance to the heir of the Dragon Clan, but she was also a very important, powerful, and influential person in the Dragon Clan. Her death caused the younger generation of the Elven Empire and the Dragon Clan to go to war, though in the end, without the fiance to keep His Majesty in check, he was able to assist Her Majesty in defeating the Dragon Patriarch." Said Illumia with a bloodthirsty smile while remembering all the people she had killed during the various battles.

"Ho, so both Mother and Father caused big things to happen in the OverRealm; I really got a lot to live up to, and while I'm at, I might as well surpass their crazy feats." Stated Elif with a large smile as a dangerous thought appeared in his mind.

"No, scratch that, Illumia; I don't want to just surpass their feats; I want to do something that no one will ever be able to replicate in the future, and I know just the thing." Added Elif with an excited yet prideful smirk as he fanned himself, his words grabbing Illumia's attention.

"Ho, what could that be, your Highness? If you want to achieve a feat that no one will be capable of replicating, that will be very difficult, not to mention dangerous and deadly." Remarked Illumia with an interested expression.

"Simple; Make enemies of the six other Immortal hegemonies, and defeat them in battle. Of course, not the actual hegemony, just the members from the same generation as me." Stated Elif with a large smile, though his words caused Illumia to look at him like he was insane.

"You know, if I had heard anyone else say that, I'd merely believe they were deranged, even if it was their Majesties who said that. However, you're a different story, your Highness; no one in existence has been blessed with talent like yours, so if anyone could do it, it could only be you." Replied Illumia solemnly with her honest thoughts, her words slightly surprising Elif.

Hearing Illumia's words, though I knew she was speaking the truth, what I had said was insane even by my standards, so I turned around and eyed her, wondering if she was merely agreeing with me because I'm her superior; however, when I saw her face, I knew she was speaking her heartfelt thoughts.

"Hehe, when you say something like that, I somewhat regret that you weren't born during my generation; I would've loved to have you as my follower." Remarked Elif as he eyed Illumia with slight appreciation before facing forward.

"Her Majesty beat you to it, though; I, too, would've loved to be your follower, your Highness, you are destined for great things, and I wouldn't mind taking a piece of that." Said Illumia with a chuckle, though if you listened closely, you'd notice her tone held slight regret.

"Tch, I didn't realize you were just trying to leech off me; never mind, I take back what I said; I wouldn't want someone like you as my follower." Replied Elif in fake annoyance as he clicked his tongue, eliciting a chuckle out of Illumia.

"Anyways, your Highness; while I did say I believe only you could do it, that doesn't mean it will be easy. What you're trying to attempt is, without a doubt, one of the hardest things possible in the OverRealm, and in all honesty, the current you isn't capable of such a feat." Said Illumia earnestly, her words changing the atmosphere from friendly to serious.

"I know; I still have a lot of techniques I must master, not to mention my power isn't complete; a part of me is still inaccessible. If I don't somehow awaken it, I won't be able to achieve that goal; the intent inside of me is necessary." Mentioned Elif with a frown as he sighed, thinking back to the slumbering intent inside him.

"This Intent you speak of, Your Highness, I've heard you mention several times in the past, but could you clarify what it exactly is?" Asked Illumia in curiosity and confusion.

"Honestly, I don't completely know what it is; I've asked my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents; I've even searched for information about it in the Royal Library. However, I couldn't find anything about it; it's like this intent has never existed before, which is weird, since I know there are people out there who also have it." Remarked Elif with a thoughtful expression while attempting to reach out to the slumbering intent, to no avail.

"The only reason I even know it exists is that it showed itself during my first ever Heavenly Tribulation; if it weren't for the intent awakening in my desperate time of need, I'd most likely be dead. Actually, that whole situation wouldn't have happened if it weren't for that stupid voice." Added Elif with a frown while cursing that voice, though his words caused the owner of the voice to chuckle as she overlooked his every move.

"And since then, you haven't been able to awaken it again?"

"No, I haven't; I had thought it might've awakened during my battle with Marley; however, I guess my life wasn't ever in any real danger. Though I have thought about actually risking my life; however, doing so while carrying an Immortal artifact and a powerful servant following me isn't exactly easy." Remarked Elif while eying Illumia.

"That is the whole point of my existence, your Highness." Said Illumia as she stared back at him.

"Haa, I know. Anyways, let us return to our residence; after everything that's happened, I'm exhausted." Stated Elif as he and Illumia took to the night sky, heading in the direction of their island.


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