6(The Train)

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"Are you sure we've packed everything?" Aarna asked for the nth time in the whole day. "God, yes we did. We are literally on the way to the station shine, even if we did forget will you go all the way back home, to miss our train?" Gaurangi asked resting her head on the car's window. They were here in the cab going to board their train for the trip, they had dreamed about their whole life. 

"I was just double-checking devil's weed" Aarna said resting her head on the younger's shoulder.  "We're gonna so enjoy this trip, I swear to god," Aarna said snuggling to her side. "Of course we are, it's our first trip together after all," The younger said engulfing her in a side hug. 

"Thank you so much bhaiya," Gaurangi said handing him the fair and picking up their luggage's from the boot space of the car. "Wait let me help, uggh, why is this so heavy?" The Brunette struggled with the weight of the big brown bag. "Ask yourself, you've packed up things as if we're going abroad" Gaurangi scoffed picking up her own luggage and another snacks bag. 

"Come on who knows what we'll need, I didn't wanted to spoil our trip due to missing of some clothes or other things" Aarna puffed dragging the luggage with her. Gaurangi looked at her with a blank look then facepalmed herself. "Sunshine, there are literally wheels on your bag, you can easily drag them" She said pointing towards the wheels of the bag. 

"Oh-oh, I-I didn't notice them" The older blushed pulling out the trolley. "Come on let's go else we'll miss the train" Gaurangi nudged her to move forward. 

"So, now that we're settled let's make a quick road map for our trip" Aarna said excitedly taking out a notepad and pen out of her handbag. "Road map? Why do we need that? We'll do what we feel like doing, and visit places as per our wish who cares about following some schedule on our trip" Gaurangi said leaning back into her seat and putting her legs on her opposite seat. 

"Come on devil's weed, I ain't preparing any time table for primary school students. It's road map for our trip, so we don't miss on anything. We'll be updated about our plans and trips for the day" Aarna said mimicking the youngers position. "Ok Ok, do as you wish" Gaurangi motioned her to start writing. 

"So on first june, that is tomorrow, We'll reach there and check in the hotel, have our breakfast and rest till afternoon, in the evening we'll visit the zoo" Aarna said looking at the youngers face to take her approval and when she nodded her head, she wrote it on her notepad. 

(A/N Anyone planning a trip for Gwalior? Here's a tour guide for you, lol!) 

"After zoo, we'll visit the Italian garden just to kill our time, then next day the first thing we do after breakfast is visit the Gwalior fort, click photos there, then go to the local market and do some shopping of course. The evening we'll spend exploring the other fun parts of the hotel, like pool, spa and whatever else is there." Aarna looked at Gaurangi who nodded her head. 

"Khana garam, Khana garam" "Bhaiya, kitne ki di" "100 ki plate"

"Now the rest of the days we'll decide after reaching there, close your notepad now" Gaurangi said taking the notepad and keeping it in her bag. "Yeah ohk, maybe we'll get to know about some more famous place and visit there first" The older said taking out the uno pack from her handbag. "Up for a round?" "Always" 

"Excuse me, I want to use the washroom" Gaurangi said looking at the person who was smoking standing in the middle and blocking her way. It was night time and she woke up due to the nature's call. "Why? I came here first" The person said blowing the smoke on her face which caused her to cough loudly. "I-I know, but I want to use the washroom" Gaurangi spoke after calming down. "Go, who's stopping you" The male said pointing at the small space left. 

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