part: 7 new feelings

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Everyone in the casino flooded out of the doors, leaving just husker and angel dust. Angel dust panicked, he looked awful, he had no makeup on, a baggy t-shirt and shorts, he didn't even look like angel dust. Though, now that angel looked husker wasn't looking too good either, his fur was matted and tired, his bags under his eyes heavier than ever.

Husker sat at the bar across from angel. A silence fell over the overlord and spider.

Angel started first "husker..I'm, I'm sorry for whatever I did, i-" husker cut him off

"No.. I'm sorry, I.. I was selfish and afraid." Husker said, staring straight ahead.

"About what? Didn't I make you uncomfortable that day in my room?" Angel asked

"No! I loved that! It was..." husker paused, a red tint marking his face. "I just got scared of myself making a mistake." Husker finished

Angel raised an eyebrow, "like what?"

Husker growled, "you know... listen angel." Husker turned to face the spider.
"I don't know how to do this."

"Do what?" Angel asked again

"This! You! I don't know! I like you! Alot! You're all I think about! I've been nonstop thinking about you these last 3 weeks! Your smile, your voice, your laugh" Husker yelled in a single breathe

Angels blush only got more red as husker continued to shout about all the things about angel that husker missed.

Finally after husker had run out of breathe, the blush on his face matched angels.

"I..dont" Husker started, trying to back track. But was stopped by angel grabbing his hands

"I've missed you too you big furball." Angel said with tears in his eyes. "I've missed you too, I've missed being around you. I've missed teasing you and your voice."

Huskers mouth was loose, left slightly open in surprise, "how could you like this?" Husker said motioning to himself.

Angels hand caressed his cheek, "how could I not? You've given me so much, given me a life I never could have dreamed of."

Husker looked away from angels touch, embarrassed, "don't feel obligated to like me just cuz I spoil ya."

Angel laughed softly "husky, I like you for you. Not for anything else, you could lose it all and I'd still be by your side."

With that husker broke down, tears flowing uncontrolled. Husker wrapped his wings around angel and pulled him into a hug. Angel wrapped his arms around husker as well.

"I didn't think, anyone could think of me like that. I was so scared. " Husker mummbled into angels chest. Angel patted his head,

"I didn't think anyone could miss me after everything I've done." Angel said.

Husker broke the hug as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "I..." husker breathed, and looked away. Trying to stop crying.

"Of course I like you, I don't give a shit about who you've done, or what you've done. You're beautiful, and you make me so happy just to be around you, you mean everything to me" Husker finally said, his voice cracking, he wasn't used to being this sappy, if he was talking to anyone else he'd call it cringe or dumb, but to angel, this was the most real thing he knows.

Angel began to cry now, "just shut up. You... yo-" Angel was cut off by husker breathing in sharply, almost hyping himself up for something.

"What are yo-" Angel tried to ask but was again cut off by husker gently holding the back of angels head as he brought angel down to his level. Angels face was inches from huskers. He could feel the heat from huskers face heating up his already blush filled face. Husker grunted in embarrassment.

Consequences (Huskerdust)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora