Valerie groaned, her ears started ringing, she pressed her ears for support, but when she took her hands out from her ears, it was bleeding.

"I should get a doctor." Lucas said, panic showing in his voice. A Doctor walked in and wiped the blood out of Valerie's ears.

"Judging by the damage." The Doctor started. "Your ear got slammed against something, or something sharp got jammed, before I treat you further, I need to contact your parents."

"That won't be necessary." Lucas told nervously.

"Yes, it is, now please tell me where they live, are you guys related... or?"

"No." Valerie said. "We are just friends."

The doctor nodded.

"What are your names?"

"Uh... that is also not necessary." Lucas said, his voice breaking. He really didn't want to get sent back home or have Valerie's hurt body back at the asylum.

He didn't even know if this guy was from the asylum, or an undercover detective.

He wasn't ready to take that chance.

"You have helped her enough." Lucas said. "Please discharge her and we will be on our way."

"Boy, are you stupid?" The Doctor snapped. "We need your personal information, you can't just walk into a hospital, with a highly injured patient, then say you don't want to reveal yourself, and ask for discharge."

"Well then..." Lucas started, he pushed Valerie's hospital bed on the Doctor, making him fall to the ground.

"We have got to go." Valerie stated.

Lucas nodded, taking the nearby wheelchair, and placing Valerie on it. He then closed the door of the room, looking it from the outside, he whispered sorry before the door fully closed.

He pushed Valerie's wheelchair to the elevator, hoping no other person in the hospital was alarmed.

When he reached the ground floor, he ran outside, some security guards started following him, he knocked over a driver backing away from his car, and caught the door, carefully helping Valerie in the backseat, before he ran to the front.

Lucas took a deep breath, before he backed at the guards, knocking them out.

"Where do we go now?" Valerie asked.

"I mean... now we both have a disguise, maybe we could stay at a motel, I don't think a hundred dollars is going to buy a house."

Valerie nodded, and Lucas crashed the car through several trees before he parked it outside of a big building.

"We need aliases." Lucas said.

"What is that?" Valerie questioned.

"It's like a fake name, a whole new persona, we are no more ourselves, but that is going to be hard, we need passports and stuff."

"I can get passports." Valerie said, trying to use her powers to get it from a man's purse, but it didn't even move a little bit, instead her legs gave up on her, her body thudding the ground.

Lucas helped her up.

"Let's try without it first." He suggested, heading over to the counter, and checking them in, he must've them pity, because he let them in.

"You are... room fourteen, two beds, one kitchen, a safe, a microwave and three couches." The receptionist said.

Lucas handed him all he had left of his money, and cashier accepted it, thanking him.

Lucas and Valerie walked towards their room; Lucas carried Valerie up there, since her legs were still numb.

He placed Valerie on the bed, walking over to his own, sitting down, and letting out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry." Lucas apologised.

"For what?" Valerie asked.

"I should've been there for you; I never should've told you to go alone, I- I don't know what to say." He replied.

"If you had come along with me, we both would have been dead." Valerie assured. "I'm fine."

Lucas had a hard time believing that, but she was right, they both would have been dead if he came along.

"I'm going to sleep." Valerie said, trying to ignore the fact, that she had been knocked out, for a number of hours, which she didn't even know.

Sleep just wouldn't hit her; she could hear Lucas's soft snoring from the bed beside her.

She knew that even if she slept, she would wake up in a few minutes, the monster's image was lingering in her mind, and so was that fight.

Valerie laid on her bed, her mind fixed on that fight, she had never been so close to death.

She tossed and turned, again, and again.

yet, sleep came nowhere near her.

Valerie just lied down and looked at the ceiling, admiring the carefully carved wooded tiles, eventually, she just started counting them under her breath, since she couldn't get up and do stuff.

Valerie jumped, when she heard a noise outside.

Growling, followed by a shrill scream.

Author's note:

Hello dear readers,

Hope you all liked the new chapter.

We will know more about the dynamics between Valerie and Lucas in the coming chapters.



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