Chapter I: Long Time No See

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Bonded by blood, these two men sitting before me looked so unfamiliar. It was like  they weren't the people I grew up with.

Times had changed. We had changed. Our actions had torn us apart and none of us were willing to recreate that once strong bond we had.

There was a small part of me that wished to. However the two men had become heartless and would surely use this weakness of mine against me. Thus I maintained a blank face, staring right through the souls of my brothers with the most intimidating glare I possessed. It was like staring at slightly older versions of me.

The three of us mainly looked the same. With sharp jawlines, aquiline noses and round eyes. There were many features that were distinct, but in the dim room they couldn't be traced out. The only light in the room was given through the small crack in the window. The sun's rays shot straight at Alex, glittering his hair like the crispy golden autumn leaves.

Right now we were three strangers with two secrets and one key. Where did the key lead to? What were the secrets? Who knew? But I could tell something was off, through glint in their emerald eyes.

“Why did you two ask to meet?” Alex was the first to break the penetrating silence. I met my gaze with Alex and then shifted my eyes to Darren, sitting opposite to me.

“I didn't,” I answered with a click of my tongue.

“Well, don't look at me. Why would I wanna meet up with you two?” I looked at Darren, my face unmasked revealing the slight chills stinging my spine.

Clearly one of them was lying. They had to be. Who would have called to meet in this abandoned warehouse—

“I did.” Just as the question plopped in my mind, a familiar voice breezed through with the creak of the door. All three of us got to our feet at the sight of our mother.

In spite of her old age, there wasn't a single trace of wrinkles on her skin. Her face was devoid of emotion, only a thin smile graced her lips. Her blue eyes were stone cold, yet full of scars. After losing Father, she had become this version of herself that was merely built up for ruling the Kingdom.

She never grieved his demise properly, nor did any three of us. There was a world Mother had to take care of and while we were just kids we didn't know how to perceive the emotions. Darren went ahead and killed. He thought he found solace in it and seems to still do. He became the most feared assassin under the masked name, Hunter.

What Alex had been doing all this time was something I didn't know. I never wanted to either, but after meeting three years later I was becoming curious of what he'd been up to.

I for one had been spending my life serving the King of North. One might call this treason, but really it was surviving.

“Mother, is everything alright?” Darren spoke up looking at Mother as though she was his next target.

Mother nodded, taking a seat on the chair between Darren and mine. We followed suite, seating ourselves after her.

“I have decided on something.” She paused, taking a long deep breath, “I want to take over the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. It's time we expand the territory your father built.” Her voice was laced with determination— spreading terror inside of me.

Mother's mention of takeover spread a wicked grin on Darren's face, but my heart sank. I was the second in line to the throne of Grace, while also serving the King of North. How was I going to handle this situation? My insides churned up, but I managed to not let my dilemma affect my expressions.

“I am hoping you three will help me take down the kingdoms. Though of course, I can do that all by myself. This is just merely, you can say, me asking which side you are willing to take?” Bile clogged my throat, while a wicked smirk danced on Mother's lips.

“Without a doubt, I'll be on your side Mother. Whatever you desire to have done, your wish is my command.” Of course, Darren would take Mother's side, despite the fact she chose the Kingdom over us, her kids, when we needed her.

I looked over at Alex, hesitancy washing over on his olive skin. I wondered what it was that made him look so hesitant. I was sure he would have without a thought chosen to side with Mother. It was clearly a wise decision and I would choose it too, but the thought of deceiving the people who helped me through the storms in my life felt wrong.

“I really prefer staying out of this domainition you plan, however it will be clearly impossible to stay out of this war you'll bring upon the world. So,” Alex paused, as if re-thinking his decision. I could see him clenching his fist under the table and hoped he wouldn't side with Mother. Then at least I would not be the only one deceiving her.

But the moment Alex spoke again, I knew he would stick by mother. And I was right.
“Well, I've decided to side with you Mother, cause I believe if anything you will win this war.”


He knew what Mother was doing wrong, yet he sided with her. I rolled my eyes, but all the same I understood him. He wanted to survive and so did I. Did that mean I was a fool to think so hard on this, when I knew Mother would win?

“And you Jasper. What do you choose?” Mother asked, her voice sickly sweet like poisonous berries.

My heart thundered ever so loudly I could feel every drop of its beat in the growing silence. The pairs of blue and emerald eyes staring at me caused nausea in my stomach and the room spun. I shifted uncomfortably on the chair and pulled myself into a ramrod position.

“Of course, Mother, I choose to side with you.” My words were a shock to me, yet everything to my mother. The smile on her face reached her eyes and she bubbled with happiness.

This was wrong though. My mother's obsession with domination. But that's what happens when you don't grieve properly, you seek revenge.


Word Count: 1077

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