February 12 - 2024

18 1 0

So, here we go. Welcome on board to the journey of becoming aligned with the world of my inner and the world of my outer. Welcome to the journey of becoming an advertising agency owner. Welcome to the journey of becoming the future me.

Before we even can get into anything, you need to get a grip of who I am. And it's going to be very blunt and I promise I will explain further later on. Maybe not today but you will get more context, just bear with me. So, without further ado, here are some quick facts about me:

- I'm Swedish, born, raised and living
- I'm born 2002,
- I currently work as a barista
- I live by myself
- I have a boyfriend of 1,5 years
- I have recovered and gotten through a severe eating disorder
- I lived bounded to rules for many years before I broke free
- I got out of a deep, dark and long depression
- I put in hours and hours on self development
- I'm an introverted extrovert, a middlevert
- I value being alone and in my own space

Okay, so like I said, bear with me. You will get more context of everything the more you read. I will explain it all, I promise you. Because not only am I on this journey to become my future self, the person I vision, the person I want to be. I want to bring you on this journey and do this with me. I want you to learn from my mistakes and accomplishments. That's why I'm going to be completely transparent here. But there is only one thing though that I have to bring up and ask from you who reads this. And that is to never ask for any names. I will keep my name anonymous as well as friends, family, colleagues. You name it. There won't be any names. So with that said and done, let's truly get into it.

I'm not only on a journey towards financial, time and location freedom but I'm on a journey towards becoming the person I want to be. And that is the journey I will for the most part take you with me. I will include my career journey as well but it's not going to be the juiciest part of this book.  My goal is not to just develop myself but also make you readers think and hopefully a few of you will join the journey of self development. I will write about everything I do, every assignment I do, every spread sheet I fill out. I will share every step of the way. And honestly, I've already started this journey.
And there are three things I have done so far that changed my view of myself and on the world. And I want you to do these as well.

First off, you need to find someone who inspires you to be better, someone who share your beliefs and opinions. It doesn't have to be someone who you know, it can be whoever. For me, and I honestly advice to look this person up and check out his content because he inspired me to change and take the step into advertising, Iman Gadzhi. And I can't stress enough how inspiring he is. Especially for me who share a lot of his beliefs and opinions. His view of the world and his mission to educate the younger generation is so inspiring. And he has so many videos and clips out there that will flip your world upside down. And one of the first things I heard him say was:

"You have to be selfish in order to be selfless"

And that is so goddamn true. You have to work on yourself, respect yourself, love yourself in order for someone else to do it as well. And you have to be that selfish to get to the point where you do respect yourself and where you do love yourself and where you've worked hard, so you and be selfless. So I strongly advise you to at least look him up. And if he isn't the person who inspired than there are so many other out there, you just have to find the person who gives you motivation and inspiration. But like I said, it doesn't have to be someone you know, maybe it is but it doesn't have to be.

Second thing, I want you to write down questions for yourself and sit down, tune out the noises and answer them genuinely and truthfully. Not these one word answers, really answer them. Dream big. Be grandiose. It's going to feel silly and awkward, but if you don't date to dream, how it is supposed to happen? Honestly? So, I'm gonna give you a few examples of what the questions could look like, then you can always go on google and search for more questions if you can't figure out any;

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