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I'm becoming more active on Discord so anyone just a fan of fanfiction, any of my current or future works, or just wanna vibe, come on through.

Discord - GZM5HRMntp

Sentience. The meaning of having control over your very own actions. Your movement, your thoughts, even your understanding of the world around you. That is what it means to have such a blessing...


Coming to, the unnatural warmth Relon felt told that he wasn't being cuddled by either girl. Not due to the absence of physical touch but rather the irate sense of power that lingered in the air.

"I'm back here, huh?"

He had awoken not on the Astral Express with his friends and loved ones, but rather in his mindscape. A realm that has taken the form of the once abundant planet he and Silver Wolf were born on. Now, that very environment he stands in lies in ruin. Yellow and purple infused magma pops at unequal intervals. No caution capable of being tread upon.

Far off, a lone individual with its slightly dismembered body hovers a short distance from the ground. Yellow droplets of body form a puddle down below.


As if responding to the name, the dark-glowing skinned being turns facing the young teen. Carefully, both approach the other.

"You willingly used my power to erase my army."

"Are you upset over the lives your army took?" Despite their recent events, Relon held no anger. He had every right to but simply could not.

"No. The Nanook out there and I are separate entities once existing on the same plane of destruction. Ever since manifesting and watching over you and the girl, my own worldview has shifted."

"Yet we still can't get along like Eina and IX."

"Their own views align whereas ours do not. Only at certain moments does ours. Until then, you will never attain true power."

"I don't need power. The strength I have is plenty."

"Yet you were helpless before the woman you once looked up to and the immortal swordsman until I intervened."

"Don't think you're capable of overpowering my own will. I allowed your power to seep out."

"Once again through anger."

"Next time I get electrocuted and hit with an explosion at point-blank, I'll give you full control and see how you like it."

"Hmm, that would do little against an Aeon such as myself."

"Probably. Still, it'd be amusing to watch you on the receiving end for once."

"Regardless, you'll forever remain stagnant in time. Something you do not have enough despite being an Aeon Child. Our unification comes into resonance upon you accepting not my view, but my hatred. Until you can accept all that is what it means to be Nanook, the Aeon that guides those along the path of Destruction, the Aeon that hates all in existence wishing to renew the cosmos into a new vision; you will never be like that girl and apathetic Aeon. You shall continue to be judged by those you coexist with. You know this, Relon Lucinance."

"And you know that those with Destruction do not have to take away. They can go down a kinder path. Instill hope, protect those that cannot with our grand strength."

"If one cannot protect themselves much less others, then they are not worthy."

"Is that the old you talking or the you of now, Nanook? You don't talk nowhere near as corrupt as you used to."

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