A Night to Remember

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I'm becoming more active on discord so anyone just a fan of fanfiction, any of my current or future works, or just wanna vibe, come on through.

Discord - GZM5HRMntp

Relon's luck has always been a mysterious phenomena. He knew this as did those close to him. Whether it be some random object falling from the sky, a wild monster appearing out of nowhere, stumbling upon an ancient civilization and its unwelcome inhabitants, finding a girl in a block of ice; its level of hecticness varied.

There was no sign, no hint, as for when such happenstance would occur. He, and any unfortunate near him, had to endure whatever struggles came their way. How he's survived all these years was a miracle in and of itself.

Still, it wasn't all bad. Nine times out of ten, yes. But there was still that one chance. It happened on rare occasions but in those moments, Relon was thankful to have such a passive talent. Just like now...

Here he was, vermilion eyes half-lidded fighting off the clutches of sleep and horniness alike.

Why? Well, he had both girlfriends currently cuddling both sides. One in particular being the boundless bundle of energy giving him affection.

Following a slightly irate March's "mild" teasing slash rant, both had turned in to find the lone hacker knocked out. Marks and kisses covering the dazed girl from head to toe. One bland look at a blushing March refusing to meet his gaze while fiddling with her index fingers told Relon everything he needed to know.

It still amused him how, even in her sleep like some kind of sensory unit, Silver Wolf instinctively felt his presence. Case in point; the knocked out girl rolling over unveiling the open space for him. Settling in, Silver Wolf comedically rolled back over claiming his right side with March cuddling his left.

Thus, this circle had rounded fully.

If it wasn't obvious how exhausted Silver Wolf had been, then March's jovial attempt at more chatter being shut down by a deep kiss from said reality-disrupter made it crystal clear. Very few things could halt the pinkette and a blunt Silver Wolf was but a few.

Gifting a peck and tender arm snaking under his shirt to rest around his abdomen, Silver Wolf settled in quickly drifting back to sleep. Only the subtle elevation and descent of her chest being any signal of the girl still alive.

Eventually stirring from her mild shock, March followed suit as the quiet silence crept on the attempts at rest. Key word being "attempts."

As he wanted to sleep, he couldn't. He identified as a male. That was very important for his current predicament. In the span of minutes, Silver Wolf had practically wrapped herself, arm and leg over him. Said leg at the moment was dangerously close to making contact with what made Relon him. Thankfully that was all she was doing to him. On the other side... lay an entirely worse issue. That being March 7th herself.

To anyone, they could make the estimated guess that she was a cuddler and they would be correct. Toys, pillows, animals, even Relon and Silver Wolf; literally anything cute drew upon such affection. That was the bubbly girl anyone would see.

What people didn't see is what currently gave Relon so much inner mayhem. She was in an open relationship with both him and the young woman knocked the hell out. Yet, she rarely got to experience the romantic side of things and thus, her romantic level with either was far less active as opposed to the two regarding one another.

In summary, during the time they would reunite, March would go from peppy cute girl anyone could become best friends with to clingy girlfriend ready to dump x-amounts of saved-up affection at a given chance.

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