Illustrated Guide to Shinobi #1 (Short)

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(A/n: Hello readers, welcome to the Illustrated Guide to Shinobi. It is a short series made for extra content for the story. Like flashbacks, aftermaths, etc. I hope you enjoy them)

(A/n: This short takes place during Asuka's first year of Hanzō Academy, After Katsuragi and Ikaruga's battle, a few days later after training, the girls are in lunchbreak talking about rumors and stuff they like, but Katsuragi decided to talk about an individual called the Bloody bunny)

No one POV

The girls were eating at their hideout after training, and Katsuragi decided to talk about a powerful warrior.

Katsuragi: Hey, do you two know someone called the Bloody Bunny?

Ikaruga:(confused) ...No?

Asuka: Kinda...?

Katsuragi: Well, she was like a powerful shinobi who defeated an evil organization called the evil doll organization, who was bent on taking over the world!

Asuka: The Bloody Bunny...

Ikaruga: Evil organization...

Katsuragi:(Happy) Yep, she saved many kidnapped children that were being held against their will and defeated the organization's 4 dark bosses but also known as the dark assassins.

Asuka:(surprised) Amazing...

Ikaruga:(surprised) I never know she has so much power...

But Katsuragi starts grinning.

Katsuragi: But I bet she has big breasts.

Asuka laughs nervously, while Ikaruga gets angry by Katsuragi's comment. 

Ikaruga:(scoffs) Why did you always talk about something perverted.

Katsuragi:(grinning) I bet you like it.

Ikaruga:(angry) I do not!

While the two girls are "bonding" with each other, Asuka looks at the window thinking about her childhood friends, Y/N and Mumu.

Asuka:(mentally) 'Y/N, Mumu. If you're out there, please come back...'

(A/n: And that's all, but don't worry this is Asuka's first year just like I say, Ikaruga got used to Katsuragi's perverted personality in a few weeks, I guess.)

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