Chapter 1

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Baldi's pov:

As I stood in front of the sea of caps, gowns and tuxedos, I found myself in the corner of the party room with a gasoline juice in my hands, feeling both sad and excited. It was graduation day, the day we said goodbye to high school and went our separate ways.

My blue orbs, sneaking around the place, find a man who stood out to me: Sans Undertale. He was there as usual, the party animal, the class clown, the one who got everyone's attention, sipping his ketchup juice and talking to some friends. Then there was me. Baldi Baldimore, the loner, always on the outside, never really fitting in.

There was a slightly connection between Sans and me, a quiet friendship that didn't went beyond the surface. Sans was the extroverted skeleton buffoon, and I the introspective watcher, watching his moves and wishing to be like him. We hung out, laughed a lot, but our conversations were short-lived.

I would say that our friendship was cut short by his intense connection to Reigen, Arataka Reigen was a show-off popular fuck boy. I couldn't get along with him.

Raising his head slightly to talk to his friend, from the corner of his eyes, his blue orbs meet mine, I look away immediately internally cursing myself for being caught watching him.

I felt an undercurrent of tension in the room, a shadow of doubt that hovered in the back of my mind, and I couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was something more to Sans’ and Reigen’s friendship than just a good time and brothership. The ease with which they spoke to each other, the ease with which they took each other’s space, spoke volumes, and yet neither of them would admit it to me.

I felt like their kissing on eachother mouths on lunch breaks was perhaps a little more than friendship, but it could be that I was thinking too much, I always overthink everything in life.

As the ceremony drew to a close, and we tossed our caps into the air with reckless abandon, I stand face to face with Sans. Amidst the chaos and celebration, there was a moment of clarity, a brief respite from the noise.

"* guess this is it, huh?" Sans said looking at me from below, his hands on his pocket and his trademark grin faltering ever so slightly.

"Yeah, looks like it," I replied awkwardly, my voice in an indifferent intonation, trying to hide my melancholy.

We exchanged a few more pleasantries, promises to keep in touch, but deep down, I knew it was just that—pleasantries. The reality of our diverging paths loomed large, both of us with different plans for the future.

I watched Sans disappear into the crowd, his laughter, 'er er er er er er' fading into the distance. Graduation day—the end of an era, the beginning of a new chapter. Little did I know, our paths would cross again, in ways I could never have imagined.

Don't Forget Me [Sans Undertale X Baldi Baldimore]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ