Ryan Chaturvedi

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And even though they are aged than me.Whoever are not  qualified to be my elders when they only have age progression.You are all not dramatically my elders. So then if anything you have no rights on me.
Brahmani saw the watch in his hand and said, "What else or  will I go home you waste my time and energy ?"
Seeing that Brahmani disrespect and careless towards them Dhiraj angrily says Where do you think you are going 
Brahmani says what  to do I don't waste my time on like your unnecessary people's.
Angered Dhiraj says to Rana and Raju take her to the basement don't give her anything to  and for to drink.She will stay there until apologize to all of us.
Brahmani says innocently who are you to kidnap me.First your granddaughter next your daughter now you all of you are harassing me.What did I  do wrong

Dhiraj without thinking says yes you  an orphan girl without any support how dare you speak againist us.so you will be punished.

Brahmani asked how can you punish me when you are no one to me.
Dhiraj proudly says yes I will punish you whatever way we want no one will do anything to us.
Brahmani says it's illegal to kidnap me ,you all doing wrong police will  punish you.
Dhiraj ha police my grandson is a public security officer no police dare to jail us.
Ryan Chaturvedi who was silently standing says grandpa don't do this Brahmani isn't related to us and she only takes her property back and why should she apologize to us when truth is her grandparents helped us.Leave her grandpa.She said was right we have no rights on her ,if we do that we are illegal.
Brahmani silently rolls her eyes and says meekingly see Mr.sr.Chaturvedi your grandson also says this so please leave me.If you want anything to keep me safe from you I will do it.
Listening this Dhiraj greedily says OK Brahmani give me book on medical techniques and 50 Lachks to leave you.
Frightened Brahmani how can I  give this to you these are the signs my grandparents and parents leave these to me.
Dheeraj said Brahmani if ​​you don't do what I say I won't leave you I will do anything
Then Brahmani innocently asked what will you do
Somehow you're beautiful, I'll sell you, I'll buy your hope, your medical techniques, I'll name my granddaughter
Dheeraj is talking about all this as if something has happened to him
All those Chaturvedi family thought something was wrong after seeing Dhiraj's behavior, but all  of  them thought that the properties behind Brahmini would become theirs, they also supported Dhiraj and threatened Brahmini.
Seeing all this, ryan thinks is that something will be happening
That's when the police came there and took away all these Chaturvedi activists
Brahmani says to police officer crying thanks uncle for saving me

Seeing Bramani behavior, Rian understood now
Ryan saluted the police officer and said, "Sir, nothing has happened. It will be normal talk. Don't arrest all these people."

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