16.) ANNA

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I stood around twiddling my thumbs. I anxiously awaited them to appear out of the room they closed themselves into.

Mako was a fine-looking man. Sharp angles and clean. He had tanned skin and a short buzz cut. Eyes as blue as the ocean depths. He was truly captivating. But, I shouldn't have thought those things. Shouldn't have felt fuzzy inside when I finally caught a glimpse of him from behind Aron. I was Aron's mate now.

Had Mako said that I was his mate, though?

I tried to recall some of the previous events. Everything had happened so fast. Aron was extremely excited for me to meet Mako. However, Mako did not seem to like me. From what I could read from his expression, it seemed as though he was angry. And when he reached out to touch me I was afraid, despite my body reacting to him positively.

I nibbled on the fingernails, as I thought of what would happen if Mako didn't like me. I hope that Aron wouldn't become unpleased that I was his mate is Mako didn't approve. Although all this mate stuff was new to meet, I would hope Eve liked Aron. I bet it was the same for Aron wanting Mako to like me, and it did not seem like the gods were in my favor this time.

I wished that I had more time to talk to Aron before we arrived at Mako's place. After we heard those guards leave, Aron had whispered to me that it would be okay and I didn't have to explain myself. He took us a back way that was tiny and actually quite spooky. He said it was best to be quiet. It took about an hour to go the long safe route. While my feet hurt and I worried about what was to happen next on the whole way over here, I would say it was worth it to see the harbor.

It was unlike anything I'd seen before. People shouting and hollering. Massive ships. The salty stink of the sea traveled through the air. On the other side of the harbor were the local homes and markets. People bustled about buying and selling goods. The sight made my heart warm and I wished that I could join the liveliness in the heat.

Around Mako's house, it was quiet and calm. I enjoyed listening to the waves crash against the wall and the rocks below. Buildings alike were squashed together and had spots of color and plants adoring their front steps.

Mako's house had too beautiful blue flowers outside of it. Those ones that Aron claims are poisonous. When I pointed them out to him, he laughed and told me they were Lasiopisum. Beautiful but deadly.

I awkwardly stood around for a good 5 minutes, before Aron emerged from the room. He wore a conflicted expression and walked over. He took my hand in his and dragged me to the couch in the small living area.

"You didn't have to stand around. You could have made yourself comfortable," he shook his head.

I shrugged unsure what to say and sat straight on the couch, but leaned more into Aron's touch. "I'm sorry about what just went down. We have a bit of a problem.. Well, not a problem, but just..."

He glanced away avoiding eye contact. I jumped when Mako appeared interrupting, "I'm your mate, Anna."

"What? But... but isn't Aron my mate?" I asked confused. If Aron wasn't my mate, he was definitely something to me. I felt unspeakable feelings toward him for having just met him. And feel safe and comfortable around him unlike I ever did anyone else.

Aron squeezed my hand, answering,"Yeah, well apparently you have two mates. Me and Mako." My eyes flicked back and forth to Aron and Mako in surprise.

"Two mates! Is that possible?"

Mako came closer and sat on the floor across from the small couch with a tiny coffee table in front of us. "Apparently. It is very rare but possible," he cleared his throat, "And Anna. I'm sorry for how we met; I didn't mean to upset you. I promise you I will be the best mate I can be to you." He bowed his head in dishonor and held a hand over his heart.

I waved my hands in front of me, flustered. "No, no! It's okay, I just didn't expect this... that's all!" I spewed out, blush furiously creeping up my neck.

There was a light chuckle to my left. Aron grinned at my flustered state. I glared at Aron wore pure amusement on his face. "Your're cute, sweetheart." I huffed out a fake exasperated breath and crossed my arms playfully. Mako smiled. This teasing felt natural, like I could just be myself around these two, despite just meeting them.

Aron leaned back against the couch with his arm tucked around behind me. My heart fluttered wildly. "There is one more thing though," he said humor draining from his voice,"We will need to leave the city. Preferably by tomorrow."

I turned to face him. "What why?"

"Because for some reason the prince has taken high interest in you and has sent out have the royal guard on your behalf," Mako offered from his seated position resting his face on his hand.

My face flamed red. "Oh," I answered embarrassed.

Mako tilted his head at me,"Not to pry but I am curious to know why my beautiful mate ran from the palace? Was it not all you were hoping for?"

Aron looked at Mako as if to say 'What the hell?' but then he looked to me seemingly curious to know why I ran as well. "Well... I suppose it was not what I was hoping for. But it wasn't like I was hoping to go in the first place. I had to go. I entered the lottery in my small town and got picked to go. If I had the option I would stay back in my hometown," I threw my hands up as if to say 'Oh well,'"But here I am now."

Mako looked ashamed once again, he mumbled out, "Oh. Sorry."

"I would say that I'm sorry, but selfishly I'm glad. Because without you coming to the capital who knows if I would have ever met you," Aron offered shrugging, and for the millionth time today my face flushed.

"Alright, back to the part where we leave the city."

"We're going to have to leave illegally, the whole city is nearly on lock-down right now. The guards are watching like hawks. And I'm not about to wait out their search, in case we get caught." Aron said, not missing a beat, me however...

My eyes just about bugged out of my head, "Illegally!"

Humor flashed in their eyes. "You run away from the castle and have half of the royal guards running around trying to find you, but your're worried about leaving the city illegally?"

I sighed, "I guess when you say it like that..."

"I'll visit one of my contacts tonight to see how we can get out safely and undercover," Aron said. "The prince may be a little hefty because compared to what those royals are offering for you is nothing compared."

My heartbeat sped up at that. I had nothing to offer them to pay, and I'm the one getting them into this mess. "Are you sure—"

Aron nodded assuring me, "I'm very sure, your're our mate. We will protect you with our lives now." I looked over to see Mako nodding along as well.

"I'll go into market to get supplies while Aron goes to find us a way out. Will you be okay laying low here?" I nibbled on my lip. While, I didn't mind staying alone, I was nervous. After all there were guards after me. Suddenly I got a brilliant idea.

"Can I go into the market with you?" Both of them opened their mouth to argue but I cut them off, "Pleaseeee, I always wanted to see the city markets."

Aron sighed but smiled, "Fine. But you will wear your cloak and stay by Mako at all times. Please, Anna. I need you too be safe." I nodded and smiled at both of them brightly.

"So when can we go?"

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