Piece 21 (Sired Maria Part 2)

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        Opening my eyes, I was met with a pacing Adeline in the living room. I laid on the couch with the skin on my hands and feet that felt tight. Adeline walked back and forth quickly, hands anxiously played with her hair. She hadn't noticed that I was watching her yet. Her mouth was barely moving, but I could still hear her mumbling "Please be alright, please be alright, please be alright."

        "Adeline," I said through a dry throat, most of her name just came out in whistles. I attempted to sit up but my body ached terribly. After I said her name, her head shot in my direction. She yelped out a weird noise as she quickly sat on her knees before me and stroked my head. My vision was still blurry and the only way I could identify her was from her red lipstick. I tried to blink away the blur but only to have no avail.

       "Oh, Maria," She was not smiling. "What happened?" She asked worriedly.

       My eyes filled with tears again. I opened my mouth to answer but I only let out a shaky breath.

       "It's okay, little one. You're alive." She said, her voice quivered. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea you needed to feed." I shook my head no at her.

       "It's not your fault," I pushed out those words to be as audible as I could make them for her and gave her a weak smile.

       My vision had gotten better, I could see her wet cheeks from tears. Her mouth was in a sad smile. Glad to see me awake but sorry for the situation. Her makeup was smudged. 

       I didn't know what to do. I felt guilty but there's no reason to be. I hadn't seen Adeline this stressed before. She tried hard to smile but I could tell she didn't want to. She wasn't smiling before she knew I was awake.

        "How are you feeling?" She asked me in a low voice. It had a slight crack to it, her throat was sore.

         "I'm in pain," I whispered. My hands and feet ached.

        "Well, you did a number to yourself." She said with a forced chuckle. "When you're in that state," She paused. Her head faced downwards, she wasn't looking at me anymore. "Your body is very fragile. You become extremely vulnerable. Your hands and feet are wrapped up due to the lack of thick skin. You were bleeding heavily, there was blood everywhere. I thought you were murdered." Her voice wavered. A sniffle came from her.

         The moment was slowly coming back to me; the ticking from a clock, my whole body aching, the blood, collapsing on the floor, the pain, the thought of me finally dying. The only thing that stopped me from just letting myself fully die on that floor was Adeline and what she had told me. The uncertainty as to why what she had told me gave me so much courage to stick it out had bothered me. I've only known you for a couple of days.

          "I'm sorry." She said. The words burned in my ears, a sudden flash of anger writhing up in me. What happened wasn't your fault, it wasn't mine, it just was. What happened, happened. No one needs to apologize. It sounds like you're only apologizing out of pity for me and my situation.

           The rage I had built up for Antoine began to go towards Adeline, I didn't know why. I couldn't stop it. She helped me, but something inside of me just hated her so much right now. A large part of me wanted to yell at her about everything else that didn't include her, but the other parts of me knew that she had been stressing out about me not waking up and how she was going out of her way to make me as comfortable as I possibly could in this house. This new life I'm forced to be in.

          Just because I'm reassuring myself doesn't mean the rage goes away. I didn't want to make her upset but I just wanted to be alone.

          Her red lipstick started to make my eyes burn and the sound of her breathing and her voice made my ears feel like they were bleeding; I couldn't stop this rage, this hatred towards her. I didn't even hate her, but right now I do. She was a good person, I knew she was, but I just wanted her to get the hell away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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