Piece 3

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My first day wasn't bad, I met new people, caught up with Dally and Noah, and more stuff. Thankfully, most of my classes didn't start off with heavy work, besides math class. Of course it's math class.

I sigh and lay on my bed, kicking my shoes off and hearing the thud of them hitting the ground one by one.

After lying down for a minute, cooling down from the heat outside, I sigh again and roll over onto my back thinking about my math homework. I sit up and look around my room. Seeing my pajamas from this morning in the middle of the floor, my desk tidied up for once, my closet slightly opened and my school bag on the floor by my door.

I rise to my feet once more and grab my school bag, bringing it to my desk to work on homework. Sitting down with homework in hand, I set it on the desk and go to grab a pencil to start.

After finishing my math homework, which took me 30 minutes, I got a text from Noah.

"Hey!! Want to hang out this weekend?"

I stare at the text for a minute, thinking why we couldn't have done this at all over the two months we had over summer break. Not like our family is doing anything over the weekend anyway.

The first day of school started on a Wednesday, oddly enough.

"Sure! Are there any plans or is it just a hangout?"

"You'll see ;)" He replies back. All I do is like the message to let him know I saw it. I wonder about what we're doing and who else is going.


It's finally Friday and there was nothing special about it. Besides the fact that everyone is already ready for the first weekend of the school year. In the fifth period, unfortunately for me, it's math class, Mariá is already sitting in her seat and I take a seat next to her.

"Hi Mariá!" I say, smiling. I think about her a lot. She's really sweet.

"Hi Winter.." She says softly, smiling. She already has everything out on the desk that she needs.

"Any weekend plans?" I ask, getting out my supplies as well.

"Uh... no, I don't think so." She replies. "How about you?"

"Well my friend Noah wants to do something this weekend. Not sure what, he didn't tell me. I also don't know who all is going, so it's really a mystery." I say with a slight laugh.

"That sounds interesting.." She replies.

"Very!" I say in an exciting tone. "By the way, do you struggle with the homework at all?" I ask.

"No, not really. I'm guessing you do?" She says.

"Yes, I do..." I say, slightly embarrassed.

"I could maybe help you sometime..? If you're okay with that, of course." She says, shyly.

"Yes! That would be amazing!" I say, excitingly. "You're really smart, thank you so much."

"Of course!" She says, soon after she finishes saying her sentence the late bell rings. By now I have all of the resources that I need out on my desk. Then the teacher starts talking.

By the end of the class bell, Mariá was already standing up to get to her next class of the day. I rush to pick up my bag and catch up with her.

"Wait, Mariá!" I say, speed-walking to catch up with her. I never realized how short she was. "Could I maybe get your number?" I feel my face get warm with embarrassment. "For study dates."

"Sure!" She replies and I pull out my phone for her to put her number in it. After she does so, we walk out of the class talking to one another.

Back at home, I stare at her contact, wondering what to say. I start to type out something but delete it. That happens a few more times.

I finally type out just a simple "Hi! It's Winter :)" until I get a text from Dally.

Their message reads, "Hey Winter!! You're going this weekend right?!?!?" I smile at their message, they're a lot more expressive over text, unlike in real life.

"You mean with Noah?" I reply and I get an immediate yes from them.

"Yeah, I am I just dunno what it is," I say back.

"Good." That is all he says back. Now I'm extra confused.

I stand up and stretch, with my arms above my head. Thinking about what the hell is going to happen this weekend. I found out today at lunch that it's tomorrow, Saturday, and they're going to pick me up at noon.

I look out my window as the sun is going down, thinking about Mariá. I don't know why she's been in my head today. I think about texting her and normally, I don't get so nervous about texting first. Just a simple hello would be easy.

I grab my phone off the bed and reopen her contact. Should I text her yet?

Instead, I go onto Spotify to play music as I tidy up my room.

Once it's clean-ish, I sit back at my desk. I think about reading or possibly drawing. I don't know what to draw so that option quickly leaves my mind.

I dig through my dressers and my closet to pick out an outfit for tomorrow. I wonder where all of my clothes went, I look over at my overflowing laundry basket and sigh.

After running a couple of loads of laundry and folding them, I now actually have clothes to wear for tomorrow and the next week of school.

I sit back down on my bed and open my phone. It's now 6:37 pm and I'm starting to feel hungry.

I go downstairs to make something quick to eat. I put a pot of water over the lit stove and bring out the rest of the ingredients. My mother and father had split up the summer break before freshman year and my dad, who I live with most of the time, gets the night shift a lot so I have to make myself dinner. Or I could order food but I can only take so much of that.

I'm not the greatest chef, at all, so I tend to make easy meals. I'm normally the only one who eats them since my dad just eats out a lot. I don't even remember the last time he cooked a meal for the two of us.

I poured the noodles into the boiling water, then once they were ready I drained them, then added the sauce and the seasonings, and ate alone, once more.

Sitting down and eating, I listen to the grandfather clock down the hall as I open my phone to occupy me. When I opened my phone, I was greeted with Mariá's message box open. I think about texting her once more.

I need to. I didn't give her my number, she only gave her mine.

I stare at the blinking line waiting for me to type something in. Finally, I decided to say something.

"Hey Mariá! It's Winter :)" I sent the message and it was soon read.

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