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Jungkook shouts the moment he stepped inside the house

"What do you mean what?! You tell me!"
Taehyung throws his bag on the couch and rushes to face his boyfriend

"Here we go again?! Are you not getting tired?!"

"Oh I'm tired! I'm so tired of you being insensitive!"

"Me?! Insensitive? Just admit it! You're jealous again over stupid things!"

"over stupid things?! Can't you see she's flirting with you! She's all over you and what do you expect me to do huh?! Watch her win you?!"

"Tae what are you saying?! She's just a friend! I'm going to marry you?! Isn't that enough for you to shut up and ignore things like that?!"

"oh! You want me to shut up! You want me to just ignore everything just because you're going to marry me! Then guess what! Here is your fcking ring and maybe get married with yourself cause i will never shut up to the things that hurt me! If you're going to rub it on my face every time  we're going to fight then maybe this will be the best for us!"

He throws the ring on his chest and lands it near his foot. Jungkook didn't expect that Taehyung would break up with him that instant but Taehyung got fed up from all the fights

He picks up his ring and rushes over him
"Tae, wait! That is not what I meant! Hey... Wait! Where are you going?!"

All of a sudden Jungkook is now rushing to get him back but Taehyung had enough. He had enough of the fight that seems not going to end

"No! What do you mean it's not what you intended?! I'm not dumb Jungkook! You said that I should be content because lucky me I'm the one you're going to marry! Should I be happy about it?! If this is your only reason to me to shut up well I'm sorry cause that piece of paper wouldn't be enough to make this relationship work so enjoy! There will be no me to stop you from doing the things you like the most! You should be happy! I bet you're going to celebrate 'cause finally your life is going to be quiet and peaceful and free from me just like you wanted, right?! No more Taehyung that will cling and get mad whenever you're flirting with whoever bitch you like!"

He walks fast back to get in his car and leaves the place, he's fuming and doesn't want to talk to him anymore

"i never said that I like them! Tae, you can't just leave me.. look! Okay! I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. here, wear this again.. I'm just so tired of your jealousy"
His voice soft, he loves him very much but they're going in circles. Their fights always have with the same reason

"You're tired! You're tired of me! I'm giving you a favor! I'm setting you free Jungkook, I'm doing this for you. If you're tired of me then you should rest... Rest now cause I'm not going to bother you anymore"

"and where are you going? To your friends! To your wooga friends! You're going to flirt with them but when I'm just being friendly, your erupting like a volcano while I don't have rights to get jealous over them?"

Taehyung look at him in the eye. He can't believe that all of a sudden it's about him, he turns the table just like that. He opens the car door. Jungkook panics. He's leaving him for real. A tear fell down his cheeks and Jungkook saw it.. he doesn't want to see him cry but he is breaking up with him

"Really? Jungkook? You're getting back at me using my friends that all this time is being supportive of me, you're jealous of them because what exactly? They are with me everytime you can't, they are with me every time you don't have time for me and now you're telling me I'm flirting with them? You're unbelievable!"

He get inside his vehicle and locks the door. His eyes getting blurry from the tears but he proceeds to drive, he just wants to get out of the place

"baby, look I'm sorry.. i just said that but I didn't mean it.. Please..

"Bye Jungkook"
He says silently and drive away even Jungkook holds on his car to stop him but he can't do anything.. he watch him leaves

"Fck, fck, fck!!"
He drops on the parking lot crying and grips on his hair. His love just left him and he's hurt. He hurts him


Jungkook didn't know how long he's been sitting on the ground. He let his tears flows till he hears his phone ringing on his pocket. He doesn't want to answer it because it's an unknown numbers but it won't stop till he answers it

He sniffs

"Hello, sir... Is this Mr. Jeon Jungkook?"

He look at the screen again to see if it's a familiar number but no. His background was so loud with a sound of ambulance. His heart beat races

"Yes, this is Jungkook..."

"Sir, we got your number in the victim's emergency number..."

"what happened to him? Where is he?!"
He grips on the phone

"Mr. Kim is on the way now to General hospital, please hurry.. I'm the first responder and I'm sorry, he's condition is not good"

"I'm coming! Please stay with him until I.. oh God! Please.. please do everything to save him! I'm begging you!"

"we will do our best sir but please hurry up"

Jungkook didn't waste any minute and rushes to his car, he drives faster than he could to reach him. They were just happy before all those fights happened and now Taehyung can literally leave him

He is worried, sad and afraid. So many emotions he's feeling at the same time but his mind is focus. He needs to reach him, he needs him alive and he will do everything to keep breathing

"you can't leave me Tae, you can't... Fck!"
He slam his palm on the steering wheel. His hearts beats so fast that he feels harder to breathe


Just wanted to share this and it's up to readers if they want me to continue it. Maybe if this could get 20 votes. If not, I'll keep this is in my drafts for a mean time :)


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