(9) Lights Will Rise

Start from the beginning

"Oh, right," said Daphne, and nabbed an umbrella from the corner of the room. She must have waterproofed that one, too. Bella hopped from foot to foot, desperate to get out of here as mental images of approaching Wights overrode her other thoughts one by one. She flinched as Charles landed nearby and came for his own parting. This proved, at least, that he was not a familiar. His vapid words didn't seem to reach Daphne. Bella closed her eyes and prayed to the great bird in the sky that he hadn't dislodged the curtains on his way down.

At last—at long last—Daphne was released from the attentions of her family. This now posed another problem. Her coat remained over the table, and her grandparents hovered in the entryway, giving no space for Bella and Titus to come out of hiding. Daphne, however, proved more adept an actress than her clumsiness would imply. She "forgot" several things in quick succession, causing her grandparents to laugh and leave her to her final preparations without the pressure of further goodbyes. Charles sat on the doormat in front of her, asking enthusiastic—if rather empty-headed—questions about whatever adventure awaited her.

Titus sighed and stepped in. "Charles," he said, "I heard the knitting basket was coming out in the living room this evening. You might want to be there when it does."

"Oh!" The orange cat hopped up. "Thank you!"

He trotted away down the hallway with exactly none of Titus's grace, dignity, or brain cells. For all Titus's skill for annoyance, Bella allowed herself a private thanks that he was the cat she was undertaking this investigation with. At least if the likes of Charles was the alternative.

"Thank you," whispered Daphne. She cracked the door, checked outside, then waved Bella and Titus both through. They reconvened in the front garden. The sky was a truly grim shade now, but Bella still wished she'd taken flight immediately as Titus intercepted her beneath a bush.

"A question," he said, in a tone that never meant good things.

"With or without our companion?" said Bella, with a pointed nod towards the door.

"Without. I wanted to ask about another potential option for Bryony's involvement with Baneberry Bog. I suspect you know what I mean."

Oh, she was not in the mood for this right now. "She is not dabbling in Wight magic," Bella snapped with more force than intended. Titus didn't flinch. "The investigation turned up nothing because there was nothing. The city Covens are simply intent on wasting Bryony's time with worthless suspicions because they don't like the fact that she beats them all handily in any honest competition of skill. If that's what you're here to ask about, I am not entertaining this conversation."

"It's not," said Titus without batting an eye. "I'm here to ask about the other incident."

Any further vitriol abandoned Bella's tongue, leaving an ashen taste behind. Titus did not elaborate on which incident he was referring to. He didn't need to.

"Did you end up investigating?" asked Titus. "Given that I was unable to at the time."

"I did. I found nothing, and the family agreed with me. It was just an accident, like I suspected."

There was a long pause.

"Interesting," said Titus.

He said nothing more. Daphne emerged a minute later, equipped with coat, pack, potion-bag, and umbrella, which she promptly deployed. As if on cue, the first fat, cold drop splattered across a stepping-stone a wing-length from Bella.

"Come on," said Daphne, making for the road. Bella immediately lost sight of Titus among the garden's shrubs. She scowled and hopped to a covert place to take off. The moment they were out of sight of the house, Daphne patted her shoulder. Bella swooped gratefully down to land. The umbrella over her head pattered with the early rain.

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