Chapter 5

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While waiting for the others to arrive Grogu found a room where Bilbo was staying. Bilbo seeing a little green creature coming in his room was shocking, because he's never seen anything like Grogu. That's where Rosalie found Grogu, playing with a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. "Grogu there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you." Rosalie said walking up to Grogu and bending down to pick him up. "You can leave him be, he's a nice little one. But may I ask who you are?" Bilbo asked Rosalie. "My name is Rosalie I'm one of the eight people, who came from another dimension. And this is Grogu who came with us he's also one of the eight of us." Rosalie said to Bilbo. "Ah so you're Elrond's daughter it's very nice to meet you and Grogu." Bilbo said in excitement. "Would you like to come eat with us?" Rosalie asked Bilbo. "Yes that would be nice, I usually eat here to write my book." Bilbo said to Rosalie. "Come then there's one more to introduce you to until the others get back." Rosalie said to Bilbo. They walked to the dining hall to eat. "I see you found Grogu." Boba said to Rosalie. "Yes and he's made a friend, this is Bilbo Baggins." Rosalie said to Boba. "My name is Boba Fett." Boba introduced himself to Bilbo. They sat down and started eating and talking. By the time they were finished eating they heard a scream in the distance. And rushed to the entrance of Rivendell.

When they arrived at the entrance of Rivendell. Rosalie handed Grogu to Bilbo. "Can you hold Grogu please." Rosalie asked Bilbo. "Of course dear Rosalie." Bilbo said to Rosalie. While they were talking Aragon, Din, Luke, Leia, Han, Chewy, and four hobbit's came through the entrance. "I'm glad you're all back because Grogu here has been getting into trouble Din. And he's also made a new friend." Rosalie said to Din. "He does do that a lot." Din said to Rosalie. "Bilbo I am so glad to see you." Frodo said to Bilbo. "What's that you're holding Bilbo?" Pippin asked Bilbo. "This little green creature is Grogu, he came with seven others from another dimension." Bilbo said to Pippin. "Oh the others that helped get us here have yet to introduce themselves besides Strider." Frodo said to Bilbo. "Who are all of you anyway?" Merry asked the seven. "My name is Rosalie." Rosalie introduced herself. "I'm Boba Fett and this is a friend of mine Din Djarin. You've already been introduced to Grogu." Boba introduced himself and Din to them. "Mine's Luke Skywalker and this is my sister Leia." Luke introduced himself and his sister. "I'm Han Solo and this is Chewbacca." Han introduced himself and Chewy. "I'm Frodo Baggins." Frodo introduced himself to them. "Samwise Gamgee." Sam introduced himself to them. "And I'm Peregrine Took other wise known as Pippin." Pippin introduced himself to them. "I'm Meriadoc Brandybuck but you can call me Merry." Merry introduced himself. After introductions were made those that arrived went to clean up.

As time passed they got to know each other. Luke had discovered that two of the hobbit's were force sensitive, it was Merry, and Pippin. So Luke started to training them in the force. A few weeks passes with Grogu, Pippin, and Merry causing mischief. Within those few weeks Elves, Dwarfs, and Men arrived for the council of the one ring. They took a day of rest before the next morning for the council.

Meanwhile on Tatooine

Only a couple weeks passed after Boba's departure with the others. Fennec Shand was focused on rebuilding Mos Espa they were halfway through rebuilding. When Fennec realized Boba hadn't made contact with her yet. So she took out the tracking pad to see where they were. "Good thing I put a tracking device on Boba's ship in case they crashed." Fennec mumbled to herself. Using the pad to track Boba's ship. It showed Fennec that Boba's ship had indeed crashed in another dimension. Fennec decided to start ordering parts for both the Millennium Falcon, and the Slave one, so when she got it in she could bring it to them. But she needed to contact someone with a bigger ship to carry the parts.

The Council of the Ring

The morning of the council everyone had gotten up early to eat and gathered to the secret council meeting. They took their seats and waited for it to start. But while waiting they conversed with each other in their groups. The Elves were speaking to each other, while the Dwarfs spoke with each other, and it was the same among the Men who came from distant lands. Gandalf, Frodo, and Bilbo sat together wondering where their newfound friends were that came from another dimension was. While Rosalie, Boba, and Din were trying to figure out who can watch Grogu. But decided to take Grogu to the council instead. While Luke, Leia, and Chewy were trying to wake Han up, when Chewy decided to dump him on the floor which startled Han. "I told you we had a council meeting to go to today and that you needed to get up early." Leia said to Han. "I'm up okay." Han said to them. They all met at the entrance of the room council was being held, and went to their seats. "Why is young Grogu here?" Elrond asked Rosalie. "Would you prefer him getting into trouble with Merry, and Pippin all three of them together wouldn't be a good idea, they're too mischievous for their own good." Rosalie said to Elrond. "Understandable we don't need anymore problems coming up." Elrond said to her. "Why are there two women here for the council? They shouldn't be allowed to be here." Boromir said to everyone. "Let me put it to you this way. Leia is a Princess and a Rebel who fought against the Empire that was evil along with her brother Luke. I fought against the Empire on the sidelines by freeing slaves and stopping Slavers. And at times I purposely got caught so I could go in and destroy anything of their Organization by myself. So I will be joining this council weather you like it or not. And I will also be joining the one that volunteers for their quest. Shall we begin?" Rosalie said to Boromir with an eyebrow raised. And then asked her father Elrond.

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