Chapter 4

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When they got to Bree Aragon realized that Din Djarin had Chewbacca, needed disguises to blend in with the people of Bree. They found the disguises they needed and went to the Prancing Pony. They got two separate rooms to stay in, they waited two weeks for the hobbit's arrival. When the hobbit's arrived Frodo went up to the bar keeper. "Excuses me"Frodo said to the bar keeper. "Good evening little masters. What can I do for you, if you are looking for accommodation we got some nice cozy little hobbit size rooms available, almost proud to cater little folk Mr uh"the bar keeper said. "Underhill my name's Underhill." Frodo said. "Underhill." The bar keeper said. "We're friends of Gandalf the gray can you tell him we arrived?"Frodo asked the bar keeper. "Gandalf. Gandalf oh yes elderly chap big gray beard, pointy hat not seen him for six months." The bar keeper said to Frodo. Frodo turned to Sam, Merry, and Pippin. "What do we do now?" Sam asked. They were seated at a table drinking. "Sam he'll be, here he'll come." Frodo assured Sam. "What's that?" Pippin asked Merry. "This my friend is a pint." Merry said to Pippin. "It comes in pint's I'm getting one." Pippin said. "You got a whole half already." Sam yelled at Pippin. A few moments waiting for Pippin. "Those people have been doing nothing but staring at you since we arrived." Sam said to Frodo. Frodo looked in the direction of a group of people staring at him. Excuse me those people in the corner who are they?" Frodo asked the bar keeper. "The one smoking the pipe is one of those rangers there dangerous folk they belong in the wild what his right name is but around here he is known as Strider. And the others I don't know their not from around here." The bar keeper told Frodo. "Strider." Frodo said then starts playing with the ring.

In the corner Aragon, Din, and Luke were watching the hobbit's when the younger of the four. "Baggins, sure I know a Baggins he's right there Frodo Baggins. He's my second cousin sure of on his mother's side." Pippin said to the people surrounding him. "Pippin!" Frodo yelled. Frodo ran to Pippin trying to stop him from talking and in the process falls back with the ring flipping over onto his finger and disappearing. Aragon, Din, and Luke stood up in surprise. Aragon went to grab Frodo to bring him out of sight. "You draw to much attention to yourself Mr. Underhill." Aragon said to Frodo. When Aragon went to get Frodo. Din and Luke looked at each other and nodded. "We need to go to Aragon's room." Luke said to Leia, Han, and Chewy so they went up to Aragon's room. Aragon brought Frodo up to his room to talk to him. "What do you want?" Frodo asked him. "More caution from you that's no trinket you carry." Aragon said to Frodo. "I carry nothing." Frodo said to him. "Indeed I can avoid being seen if I wanted. But disappearing entirely that is a rare gift." Aragon said to Frodo. "Who are you and the other people?" Frodo asked him. "Are you frightened?" Aragon asked Frodo. "Yes." Frodo said to him. "Not nearly frightened enough I know what hunts you." Aragon said to Frodo. Aragon, Din, Luke, Han, and Chewbacca pointed their weapons at the door when they heard footsteps coming. The three hobbit's come braking in the room. "Back off or I'll have you for shanks." Sam said to them. They lowered their weapons and picked them up. "You have a stout heart little hobbit, but that will not save you. You will not wait for the wizard Frodo they are coming." Aragon said to Frodo.

Meanwhile in Rivendell

Rosalie was getting to know her siblings and father. While also watching over Grogu with Boba. Rosalie grew closer to her sister Arwen in many ways, while with her brothers they taught her how to use a sword, bows and arrows, short swords. While waiting for the others to return Boba and Rosalie is getting closer, in the more than friendship. While Grogu is getting himself into a lot of trouble, at one point no one could find him. Eventually he was found in the kitchen eating the next meal for the day. Elladan and Elrohir was enjoying the fact it was someone else who was getting into trouble instead, they would prank poor Glorfindel mostly. While Elrond enjoyed having Rosalie returning home, he was getting often annoyed with Grogu getting into everything. Elrond found Grogu in his office one evening trying to eat the ink quills.

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