Chapter 2

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Middle Earth

They crashed landed in middle earth. Their ships has a lot of damage.They're not even sure if they can get it fixed and the worst part is they all had some type of injury. Rosalie had it worse, she not only had scratches, but also had a head injury which she was not waking up from and needed some kind of medical attention. The bacta patches weren't going to work. Boba realized Rosalie was the only one that could heal everyone, but she couldn't do that when she was unconscious. While everyone was gathering what they could salvage, Boba was trying to heal her as much as he possibly could. "Din is there anything to wrap her head with." Boba asked Din. "There's some cloth here." Din said handing Boba a strip of cloth. "What are the others doing right now?" We need to move forward I'll carry her until we can find some shelter. Boba said looking at Din. "Their gathering what they can. Grogu decided to eat some frogs, I had to pick him up and put him in his egg. I'll let them know you're ready to move out." Din said looking at Boba and walked over to the others. "Boba wants to move out. We also need to find shelter it's getting dark, I don't think we should be out in the open." Din said looking at all of them. "We're ready to move out. It's a good idea to find coverage especially with Rosalie like she is." Luke said. Boba picked up Rosalie and walked toward them and they started looking around for shelter .

Meanwhile in Rivendell

Gandalf was speaking to Elrond about the message Eru Ilúvatar sent to him. "He told me to call for help from another dimension, and asked for eight people to come help. I don't know what for but they should be here soon and I need you to bring them here, and help them until I get back from research in Gondor." Gandalf said to Elrond. "I will be sending out Glorfindel to bring them here." Elrond said to Gandalf. While Elrond was speaking Gandalf saw something in the sky come crashing down into the forest in between Bree and Rivendell. "I believe there here but just crashed, we need to check to see if anyone was hurt. I will ride out with you and Glorfindel." Gandalf said to Elrond. Elrond summoned Glorfindel and some other elves to ride out with him and Gandalf to see if anyone was hurt.


While they were looking for shelter. They found a small cave even though it was dark, they went into the cave and started a fire to keep warm. Boba lays Rosalie down and checks her head and other wounds. While Din was trying to get Grogu to go to sleep but. Grogu kept trying to go towards Rosalie, and looked up at Din with a smile and started babbling. So Din picked him up and brought him over there to see Boba and Rosalie. "Grogu wanted to see her." Din said looking at Boba. "Her wounds haven't worsened but she has yet to wake." Boba said looking at Din worried. "Get some sleep as much as you can." Din said to Boba and carried Grogu back to his egg to sleep. Han, Leia, and Chewy were already asleep near the fire. While Luke was up meditating near the cave entrance when he heard noise in the distance. "I'm going to look and see what the noise is." Luke said looking at Boba and Din. Luke went outside to investigate the noise, and went towards where there ships were. And found people with pointed ears and a man with a pointed hat. Gandalf saw him and started walking towards him. "Are you one of the eight people who came here?" Gandalf asked looking at him strangely. Luke sensed that the man and pointed ears people were good. "Yes I am, the rest is in a cave nearby." Luke said looking at the man. "Good we've come to help is anyone injured?" Gandalf asked looking at him. "Yes one of us was injured more than the others. Who are you?" Luke asked the man in the pointed hat. "My name is Gandalf I'm the one that sent you the message for help. And you are?" Gandalf said to him. "I am Luke Skywalker I'll take you to them." Luke said to Gandalf and started leading the way.

In the cave Boba was in and out of sleep constantly checking on Rosalie. While Din took watch while everyone else was sleeping. He heard footsteps coming so he stood up, and went to the entrance of the cave and saw Luke coming with someone. "Luke who is that?" Din asked looking at Luke and the stranger. "This is Gandalf he's the one who sent for help."Luke said to Din. "Do you know a place we could go?" Din asked Gandalf. "Yes there is a place you could stay until everyone is healed." Gandalf said to Din. "Good my name is Din Djarin the one in similar armor is Boba Fett and Rosalie is the one laying down next to him. She needs medical attention more than everyone else. Grogu is in his egg." Din said introducing himself, and his friends to Gandalf. "My sister is Leia who is next to Han Solo, and Chewbacca who are friends of mine." Luke said introducing his sister and friends to Gandalf. "Should we get going so Rosalie gets medical attention?" Boba asked everyone. "Yes we can go. We will meet up with the elves." Gandalf said to them. So Boba picked Rosalie and started following Gandalf to a group of elves. When they arrived more introductions were made. "My Lord Elrond these are the eight people that came to help." Gandalf said to Elrond. "My name is Luke Skywalker this is my sister Leia and two of my friends Han Solo, and Chewbacca." Luke said to Elrond. "My name is Din Djarin this is Grogu and two of my friends Boba Fett, and Rosalie who needs medical attention." Din said to Elrond. "May I see her?" Elrond asked Boba motioning to Rosalie. Boba walked over to Elrond so he could see what needed to be done. "It might be best to go back to Rivendell. We'll head out now." Elrond said to them.

When they got there Rosalie was being treated everyone also was given rooms to stay in. But Boba didn't want to leave Rosalie's bedside until she was healed.

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