Chapter 3

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Sanemi's pov:

After we entered the room, i immediately went to the bathroom and look at myself at the mirror. I was flustered, after i fixed myself i left the bathroom and saw giyuu sitting down reading a book. Maybe this can be my chance to ask her out this week, i kept on staring at her until she caught me looking at her. I shook my head and ignored her,

Giyuu's pov:

While i was waiting for sanemi, i was reading a book that i found in the room. When sanemi got out of the bathroom, i told him we need to rest and continue are mission tomorrow. I put my book at the shelf and went to the restroom to shower. After i showered, i opened the door and saw sanemi reading a book while sipping on tea. Ngl he was pretty hot.. but i just went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, when i heard sanemi say something. But i didn't hear him, after i drank my water i went to bed and went under the covers, while sanemi was putting his book away and came to bed. The room was silence, of course is gonna be silence because were sharing a bed. Before i laid down i took the hair tie out of my hair and let my hair down. I saw sanemi looking at me, when i looked at him he quickly turned around faced the wall, i just ignored him and laid down and went to bed.

Sanemi's pov:

When giyuu fallen asleep, i turned around and saw her beautiful face with her cherry lips, like an angle. I started to blush hard just by looking at her, i mean we did kissed in the cave not until that demon scum  showed up and ruined everything. I slowly closed my eyes and fallen asleep.

Giyuu's pov:

I heard a loud noise from the kitchen, it was midnight still, so i got up and grabbed my sword just in case, i didn't wake up sanemi because he was sleeping. I went downstairs to check what was the noise. I looked at the kitchen and i saw nothing at the kitchen. I was probably being paranoid, as i was about to leave i saw a black figure in the living room, it moved so fast. I was 100% sure that someone or something is here. I got out my sword and was in a fighting stance. I was ready to attack the black figure, until the black figure was gone and was behind me. I quickly jumped and saw the figure. It was a demon, it was a lower moon 6." Water breathing eleventh form, dead calm." I finished the demon off with one slice. The demon was fading away, after the demon faded i went upstairs to go back to sleep.(I'm not really good at writing fighting sences) 


I'm sorry if this chapter is short , thank you so much for reading this book i well keep working on the chapters for this stories. 💗

Your mine//Sanegiyuu//Female giyuuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora