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He gripped her arm so hard. I looked over to Alexander and John, who also noticed it and they didn't even sit near us. I looked down at the desk, a notebook sat there.

Her Notebook.

Without thinking, I scooped it up and placed it in the front of my laptop bag, so I'd remember it. I pulled it over both shoulders, and met my friends at the bottom. It was clear the interaction they witnessed had been put to the back of their mind, so I didn't worry.

As we walked through campus, Alex and John making absolute idiots of themselves, as me and hercules followimg them, my mind wanderered off to the lecture hall. What happened in there? Why did it happen?

We walked into a on-campus cafe, my eyes met a familiar sight. Thomas, Eliza, Angelica, James and Peggy sat at a large table, chatting and talking.

We all sat down, As conversation got into gear. I was still thinking, then I remembered the notebook. I bent down and got it out of the laptop bag by my feet, and looked it over. It was full of so much life, but so dead at the same time.

It felt so light, but so heavy.

So deep but it barely touched the surface.

I opened the cover, looking at the doodles and the paintings. It was clear it was a gift, no collage student with a job could ever afford this. It was proper professional paper.

"Laf what the hell are you doing? You've been staring at that book for 10 minutes." My attention was whisked away as I looked up, and saw Alex  sitting their, John on his left, and his on his right was eliza, their hands interlocked. I turned my attention and saw Aaron looking at me, a coffee infront of him. He looked so lonely.

"I must of zoned out- apologies mon ami" I apologised, my accent strongly appearing. He gave me one of those looks that only Aaron could preform, an eyebrow raise, like he was judging you, but he was worried at the same time.

I placed the notebook into my bag once more, and put the thought into a box. I pushed thst thought far back to the edge of my mind, where i could procrastinate taking about it until the end of time. I would just return the notebook after this, and I could go back to my apartment with hercules and John, and I could relax.

We spent what felt like hours at the cafe, just laughing and talking. Thomas and Alex got into another debate over literally anything. It took James having to talk to Thomas to get him to calm down. I didnt get the twos relationship. James was obviously not homosexual, but the two had a almost flirtatious relationship. I turned to hercules, frowning. He got what I thought aswell. I shrugged it off as everyone began to get up, ready to leave the cafe.

We all parted. Me, John and herc headed home, John rambling on about turtles. "Hercules! You don't understand it. The amount of plastic we put into the waters is crazy." John explained, a spring in his step as he explained plastic pollution to hercules.

"Cant they just eat it? I mean they are animals they eat whatever there given." Hercules frowned. I looked to the man, a confused look on my face.

"How does a turtle eat plastic ami?" I asked, frowning. I scratched my beard. I was surprised I had grown it out so much. John went on a rant, talking about how hercules was difficent in knowing how animal atrocities worked. I rolled my eyes, and turned to the two.

"I'm gonna go return something. I'll be back in a minute" I said, as we stopped outside the egalitarianism building. Hercules nodded as John frowned.

"Want us to wait for you?" He asked, his hands in his pockets. I shook my head, and lightly shoved his shoulder.

"Nah. Ill see you back at the apartment?" I said, as John pushed me back. Hercules nodded once more, as I laughed and made my way into the building. One show of my ID to the receptionist, and a quick search I had destination. I made my way into the elevator, pressing the 4th floor button. I waited as the elevator grew, tapping my foot slightly to the elevator music.

As it stopped, I made my way to the dorm room door. I went to knock, but I heard yelling. A frowned glossed across my face as the door was slightly open. I pushed it open, and heard smashing.

The notebook still in my hand, I made my way in, finding the source of the incident. Glass was everywhere and It stunk of beer. My eyes widened as I saw the sight. John Adams stood over Cerys,  smashed beer bottle in hand. Specks of blood were everywhere.

The notebook dropped from my hand, my hand balling into a fist.

"Get the fuck away from her." I snapped, anger lacing my voice, aswell as my French accent. The view was horrific. Tears flew out of her eyes, it was a disgusting sight.

Anger flew through me.

I can barely remember what happened.

As soon as he dropped the beer bottle, I slammed my fist into his jaw and wouldn't stop until my hands were bloody and bruised.

Then I stopped. 

What the fuck do I do?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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