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As soon as my dream forcefully ended, bringing me to reality, I realised how much I hate the world I live in. I kept my eyes closed, trying to sheild myself from the hard life I had come to live in. After a bit, I opened them, and chucked the oddly thin duvet off of me. I yanked on a hoodie, and some random trousers on the floor when John came in. No knocking, no asking. He did what he wanted, whenever he wanted. 

''Morning, darling''

That nickname.

The nickname that reminded me of how much I hated him. How much I hated this life. 

Oh how I wish I was able to hate him.

I mumbled a response, but it wasnt enough. He walked over, gripping my upper arm. I winced in pain, his grip strong on my flesh.

''I didnt quite hear you there darling. What did you say?'' He said, his eyes locked on mine, spreading anxiety all through me.

''Good morning john.'' I forced out, trying to figure out if he would be angry with my short answer. He smirked and let go of my arm. His smirk turned into a sweet, sickening smile as he bent down, and grabbed my old, beaten up converse. He passed them too me, the smile still on his face. It was almost like he was a different person. I nodded my thanks, and yanked them on. I looked over to my bedside table, and saw my phone, fully charged. A couple notifictions from collage apps that were mandatory. One was from a collage calander, 13 minutes ago. We were late to a political science lecture. I looked up at john, who was staring at his phone. 

''John? Our lecture started 15 minutes ag-'' ''No it didn't. It starts at 10:30,its 10:45-'' 

John cut himself off, after trying to prove me wrong and quietly swore under his breath. He grabbed my hand, dragging me out of my room, we half walked, half jogged to our lecture, and as soon as we walked in, we were met with a certain look from professor washington. A look full of annoyance towards John, but a sweet sympathy for me. The lecture room was full, except for two seats. One next to a boy I didnt know, and one next to james madison, one of johns friends. He turned to whisper in my ear, his hand gripping my hand tight, my finger tips were turning white from his grip.

''Talk to him and your fucked. You hear me?'' John growled, malice returning in his voice, the sweet side of him shattered. I silently nodded, grasping the strap of my satchel like it was the only thing grounding me to the ground. I slumped down next to the boy. I looked at the long name on his notebook,  but it had random stickers and doodles all over it. I got my own notebook out, and began to draw on the back of a page from a revision session on the French revolution against England.

After awhile, I felt eyes on me. I looked up to see the boy watching me drawing, instead of paying attention in the class we both shouldve been paying attention too. I made eye contact with his gorgeous, chocolate brown eyes, his eyes mesmerising to me, and taking all of my worries away for the short while I looked into them, They were soft, and didnt show sadness, or anger like Johns. God, I couldn't ever dare despise his name. I hated myself for even thinking about it so much.

''Hey, that looks really good y'know?'' The boy said, a thick french accent decorating his voice. It sounded so angelic, so impowering. I looked down at what I was mindlessly doodling. It was a drawing of a cat. I smiled, the first smile i had shared something like this with someone in months.

" Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette, but everyone calls me lafayette or Gilbert if your that bothered." He smiled. I nodded, taking note of the long name.

"Cerys- Cerys Anders if your particular." I said, placing my pen flat on the notebook, my palms clasped together.

We sat talking for a bit, before Iooked down to john, and saw him staring. Crap. I quickly shut up, and made sure he turned around, the voice at the back of my head screaming names at me. I wasn't being loyal to john, he didn't deserve that, I was practically cheating, while talking to lafayette.

I looked down at john once more, seeing the look he gave me. I remember the first time he gave me that look. I sobbed for hours on end after he first hurt me, gave me the scar I have now on my wrist. I wished someone would help, come to the rescue. But no one did. And no one ever would. I sighed and went back to the lesson. I wrote down notes, and figured out washington was on about, until Lafayette gently tapped on my shoulder.

"Hey are you okay? Your face went all.. all.. rosé?"  Lafayette explained, trying to find the right word for pink. My cheeks had a habit of doing that, ever since I was a kid. I just accepted it. I nodded, and let out a breath I didnt know I was holding as the bell rang. I quickly packed up my things and went down to john.

"Why were you talking to him?" John snapped as we left the lecture hall. "You know I don't like you talking to other people. Are you trying to cheat on me? God your so pathetic." He spat, clutching my arm.


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