"Oh fuck." I whisper, horrified of the damage. "You said it wasn't bad..."

"It wasn't that bad." He corrects me but it does not calm me down. I see old scars on his back, white lines and dots. It looks bad, really bad.

"Maybe you could come live with me?" I suggest, still eyeing the old and not so old marks that should have had medical attention.

Fox turns around, meeting my gaze with a surprised look, pulling his shirt back down. "You really just asked me to live with you?"

"Of fucking course I did, I can't let this happen to you." I shake my head.

"Liv, I'm okay-" he starts but I cut him off quickly.

"No, don't even try to finish that sentence. This-" I touch his bruises very gently, "is not okay. It's awful."

"I can't just move out, they'll kill you if they knew I'd blabber things around!" He says and mindlessly begins to stroke my soft hair, like I was the one he had to take care of.

"I don't care, just don't stay there." I whisper.

"It's only a year and I get to go. Only a year, I'll manage."

"I don't feel good letting you live there, just sleep at my place."

"I'd love to, but I can't." Fox shakes his head and I have to give up.

"Then I'll come sleepover at your place. And I'll make sure that they won't touch you."

"No. Absolutely not." He suddenly turns sturdy.

"Why not? They can't hurt you if I'm there." I ask.

"Still no." He doesn't budge.

I keep quiet to that, knowing I'd probably show up to his house right after this trip to make sure he was alright. And so he would stay alright.

Time passes and we just silently comfort each others, my forehead pressed against his chest and my hand gently drawing circles around his bruises. It seems to calm him down.


"Don't tell me you slept together again." We suddenly hear a bang at the door. We had lied back down and fallen asleep at some point of the morning.

"We just like spending the mornings together!" I lie, trying to not let mr. Perry think bad about us.

"This is a school trip and I want you guys to act like it! Youngsters..." he sighs deeply.

"It's not like that!" I yell to him.

"Breakfast is in ten minutes." He only says before leaving with heavy footsteps.

"I don't think I'm his favourite student anymore." I whisper to Fox and he surprises me with a smile.

"You'll survive." He mutters to my hair.

"I hope so." I say to him. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright." He mutters.

"Are you sure? Don't the bruises hurt?"

"A bit. But paracetamol make it easier so you don't have to worry."

"I'll still worry until you get out of there. Anywhere would be better. Can't Tod take you to live with him?"  I ask, still not wanting to leave him live like that.

"We don't speak much anymore, and he lives in different state. Plus I only have a year to live there." Fox reminds me.

"Still." I mutter.

"Livia, I've been there for seventeen years now, so I'll manage another year. I promise." He says but gives up when I still look unsure. "Come on, let's get ready." He changes the topic.

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